Heh. Leave it to Twitter to start things off with a giggle. Yesterday, in yet another act of political theater, President Obama “leaked” his immigration plan.
Been emailing Senate insiders about the "leaked" Obama immigration plan. Most think it's a test of Rubio/GOP resolve, willingness to deal
— Robert Costa (@costareports) February 17, 2013
No legitimate human concern from the WH only interest is political advantage and partisanship strategy.
— Matt Perez (@PerezMatthewC) February 17, 2013
Rubio: Leaked Obama immigration plan 'dead on arrival'…
— NEWS MAKER (@NEWS_MAKER) February 17, 2013
Senator Rubio pushed back immediately.
Rubio chief of staff RT @CesarConda: .@marcorubio: President's immigration plan would be "Dead on Arrival"
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) February 17, 2013
GOOD. RT: @ZekeJMiller Rubio’s office is just going nuclear on leaked obama draft immigration bill
— Sunny McSunnyface (@sunnyright) February 17, 2013
#HouseofCards RT @jamiedupree Sen Marco Rubio R-FL slams leaked details of White House immigration plan as "half-baked and seriously flawed"
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) February 17, 2013
Sen @marcorubio statement: "..Pres Obama’s leaked immigration proposal is disappointing to those of us working on a serious solution.."
— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) February 17, 2013
But, while the push-back against President Obama’s egregiously flawed plan is great, many Twitter users are wondering, “just what is the difference?” As Twitchy has reported, the Shamnesty plan proffered by “The Gang of 8” is inherently flawed as well.
The Obama-Marco Rubio amnesty farce: Conn Carroll
"It's really hard to get people to listen to you on economic g…— Examiner Blogs (@Examiner_Blogs) January 20, 2013
More from The Examiner:
Unfortunately, the few specifics Rubio has named are almost identical to the failed amnesty plans of Presidents Bush and Obama. Don’t take my word for it — just ask Miami Herald political reporter Marc Caputo, or pro-amnesty Mother Jones reporter Adam Serwer, or anti-amnesty Center for Immigration Studies chief Mark Krikorian. All of them have compared the Obama and Rubio immigration plans, and all of them have concluded the two plans are almost identical.
…There are really only two minor differences between Obama and Rubio on immigration. First, Obama has set a 13-year process for granting citizenship to these in the country illegally today, while Rubio has not specified how many years they should wait. Second, Obama wants one comprehensive bill covering all of the above items, while Rubio would prefer a series of smaller bills.
It should be noted that President Obama’s “leaked” plan actually sets an 8-year process.
Obama administration's draft immigration bill would lay out 8-year path to legal status, @USATODAY reports: -JM
— The Associated Press (@AP) February 17, 2013
The questions continue.
The Obama-Rubio amnesty plan: background checks; instant legalization; pathway; border "security." Ain't no difference.
— Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) February 17, 2013
@NoelSheppard and GOP writes a short suicide note if they accept Rubio's amnesty.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 16, 2013
TheDC's @kausmickey: Rubio Dissembles on Amnesty –
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 13, 2013
More from The Daily Caller:
Poor man had no choice: Sen. Marco Rubio
had to be deceptive when describing his immigration
plans last night–otherwise he’d have little chance of making the sale. Here’s what Rubio said:
We need a responsible, permanent solution to the problem of those who are here illegally. But first, we must follow through on the broken promises of the past to secure our borders and enforce our laws.
This makes it sound as if Rubio would take action to “secure our borders and enforce our laws” before offering to legalize “those who are here illegally.” Unfortunately, that is not the case. The “Gang of 8″ proposal he’s signed on to would immediately legalize those here illegally–giving them “probationary legal status.” Only their subsequent ability to step up to full citizenship would hinge on enforcement and border security.
Twitter users also respond to Senator Rubio’s tweet that claims the Senate plan is “fair.”
@marcorubio Nothing fair about rewarding people who are here illegally.
— Cynthia RosMcClendon (@CRMcFL) February 17, 2013
Most aren’t thrilled with “bipartisan,” either. That may be a swoon-worthy term in the Beltway bubble, but for many, it is a bad word.
@marcorubio "Bipartisan" "Senate" two words that usually see the GOP take the smelly end of the stick….
— Chester Starr (@ChesterStarr) February 17, 2013
President Obama’s plan is not serious and is being used as a political prop only.
#Obama sees Rubio picking up steam so leaks immigration plan tht wont pass as distraction to begin the GOP bashing agn. Divisive fraud #tcot
— Peter J. Dawson (@PeterDawsonUSA) February 17, 2013
The Obama play seems to be "forget Rubio," pass something left-of-center thru Senate, hope some moderate House Repubs sign on, eke it thru.
— Robert Costa (@costareports) February 17, 2013
But, the plan from “The Gang of 8” isn’t a solution either.
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