@KenWahl1 Very true, my Health insurance went up $50 a month, everything going up but the paycheck!
— PresidentsNurse (@tunarose2) February 3, 2013
@KenWahl1 it sucks!!! Take home down $80 – may not seem like much – but that's groceries for a week. If I get a raise – I "might" break even
— TinyAngelBill & Stanley (@TinyBillyShow) February 3, 2013
Twitchy reported on the crushed unicorn dreams of many when they discovered their paychecks are less. Today, actor Ken Wahl (unverified account) points it out as well. The actor is once again refusing to toe the Hollyweird leftist line.
The trigger 4 me to speak out was Pelosi "pass Obamacare & we'll read it later".Congress is to read & debate bills& media>to challege #tcot
— Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) February 3, 2013
. @KenWahl1 So true Ken. Pelosi acted like it was ludicrous of us to expect her actually read that monstrosity of a bill. 2 much to ask?No.
— Sharon Mena (@SMena62) February 3, 2013
@KenWahl1, even a lawyer will tell you not to sign anything without reading it.
— Sandy Harris (@harris264) February 3, 2013
Preach it! Mr. Wahl then offers support for the 2nd Amendment, while taking on anti-gun zealots and their hypocrisy.
If amending 2nd amndt helped saved those kids lives,Im 4 it,but how much freedom do we take away?>We lost lives fighting for #2ndAmendment
— Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) February 1, 2013
Libs think I don't value Hooks kids because Im pro Constitution.I value all kids>Im #prolife & value lives lost fighting 4 #Constitution.
— Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) February 1, 2013
Lib celebs do anti #gun ads while making $ from films w/guns.Lib politicians want anti gun laws but blamed #Benghazi on video #tcot #tgdn
— Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) February 1, 2013
Indeed. The hypocrisy and lies, they burn. Enabling this? The media.
Greatest danger to American freedom is government that ignores #Constitution AND>the media that uses 1st admdt for liberal propaganda #tgdn
— Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) January 30, 2013
The American Press (Free Press) has obligation to challenge govt. 1st admdt designed to push back govt to avoid tyranny. It's failed #tcot
— Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) January 30, 2013
More of this, please, Mr. Wahl! Ken Wahl is also a big fan of Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino and “The Five,” evidently.
@greggutfeld @DanaPerino Thank you for the follows. Big fan of #THEFIVE @RedEyeFNC but most of all, Jasper, he needs his own Fox show #tcot
— Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) January 25, 2013
Heh. Dana does love her Jasper stories!
Ken Wahl then again puts his time where his mouth is and continues his unwavering support for our heroes.
PLS RT we need 350 Followers today in honor of Wounded Warrior Eric Hunter. Be a Super Bowl Hero!
— Hounds and Heroes (@houndsandheroes) February 3, 2013
Make it happen, Twitter.
And keep thinking for yourself, Ken Wahl. You are getting rave reviews.
@KenWahl1 THAT is interesting! I am glad you found a "trigger"! You say what I think, and give me hope for the future! Keep up the fight!
— Bob Steel (@Bob_Steel) February 3, 2013
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