Sigh. This is really getting old. Talk about the boy who cried dog whistle! The old “code words” rears its head again: Get ready for more entries in the Handbook of Racial Code Words. “Aloof” isn’t the end of it, evidently.
Gen. Colin Powell just indicted GOP rhetoric for racist dog whistling! Calling Pres. Obama "lazy" implies calling him a "shiftless" … #mtp
— Eric Freeman (@eftaxmath) January 13, 2013
We reported earlier that Colin Powell blasted “birthers” on “Meet the Press” this morning, because, you know, that’s the most pressing issue of our time. Andrea Mitchell doubled down and implied that the “birther movement” was GOP policy. Powell continued the inanity.
@JonahNRO serious Q. Did anyone see this whole Colin Powell flip coming all the yrs? He's basically becoming Chris Matthews w/o the spittle.
— The Meturgeman (@HaMeturgeman) January 13, 2013
Heh. And he let it fly on this morning. Cue the ominous music: The GOP has a “dark vein of intolerance.”
Powell on GOP: "There's a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party" #MTP
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) January 13, 2013
Twitter users immediately react to this utter nonsense.
"Dark vein"? RT @meetthepress: Powell on GOP: "There's a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party" #MTP
— Sister Toldjah ? (@sistertoldjah) January 13, 2013
Yes, dark vein? How racist, Mr. Powell. But, wait. There’s more.
Sec. Powell references Palin's use of "shuckin' & jivin'" and calls out use of coded racist language by some in GOP #Meetthepress #MTP
— Catholic Democrats (@CatholicDems) January 13, 2013
Sarah Palin already epically smacked down that charge of racism. And now Twitter users are smacking down Powell. They are calling him out for his pitiful race card playing, and for continuing to insist that he is a Republican, even after supporting Barack Obama for president. Both times.
In name only..RT@fran_chambers: After defending Hillary Clinton on #MTP, Colin Powell insists he's still a Republican.
— Heather Lee (@hleecar) January 13, 2013
Left scared about something. Brought in their big gun Colin Powell to play race card on Meet The Press. General RINO.
— blankinglost (@blankinglost) January 13, 2013
I have news for Colin Powell. There is racism on the Democratic side as well. But the corrupt #msm refuses to call out #TGDN #TCOT
— Tejas Conservative (@TXGaryM) January 13, 2013
Dems are tolerant of opposing views? RT @meetthepress: Powell on GOP: "There's a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party" #MTP
— Hair (@SHannitysHair) January 13, 2013
Yep. Twitchy has documented many such instances of leftist racism and intolerance. From Powell? Crickets.
@AriFleischer Has Colin Powell always held these liberal views, or this a recent development? I'm legitimately asking, thank you
— Vicki (@rookietweeter) January 13, 2013
Shorter @meetthepress: Isn't Colin Powell wonderful?! He's a 'responsible' GOP. Newsflash: He's a lib who used Bush to get ahead. #tcot
— Radio Free Shoe (@TehBuckleyClub) January 13, 2013
Colin Powell on Obama vote 2008: "I cannot say I was totally colorblind." Powell, 2012: GOP has "dark vein of intolerance." #Bullies
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 13, 2013
Colin Powell doesn't like the Republican Party. He says he's in the party but he only does TV interviews when he speaks out against them.
— Chavous (@EYEcChavis) January 13, 2013
Colin Powell Endorsed Barack Obama Twice. Why would Anyone consider him a Republican at this point?
— Mickey White (@BiasedGirl) January 13, 2013
That must be some of that there “subtle” racism or something. Like peanut butter sammiches.
And this Twitter users sums it all up.
I prefer a meritocracy to a society that rewards people for things they have no control over such as skin color & gender. I'm a monster
— Harold Stickeehans (@StickeeNotes) January 13, 2013
@redsteeze @IamPhreedah Rice, Gonzales, Chao, Michael Powell, and the list goes on and on and on
— Harold Stickeehans (@StickeeNotes) January 13, 2013
The GOP's resistance to Hagel is clear evidence of their subtle disdain for people of color. Hagel is white? Umm.. Umm.. Shut up, racists!!!
— Harold Stickeehans (@StickeeNotes) January 13, 2013
If Obama nominated Thomas Sowell to any high office, would there be a single GOP vote of "no." It's almost like it's political & not racial.
— Harold Stickeehans (@StickeeNotes) January 13, 2013
I don't dislike Obama because of his race. I dislike him for the same reasons I dislike Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi & the Kennedy Klan.
— Harold Stickeehans (@StickeeNotes) January 13, 2013
But, you know, it’s far easier to just trot out the race card, even if that means disgracefully diminishing actual acts of racism. Here’s a lesson for you, Mr. Powell: If everything in the entire world, including the word “lazy” is racist, then nothing is.
A second tip: Get out of your Beltway Bubble once in a while and talk to some people.
@sidi88 @angmrrsn Do you think minorities are not part of the Republican Party? I'm Cuban, 35 and Republican. We are not entitled.
— Damian Biltres (@damianbiltres) January 13, 2013
Hi Colin Powell, I'm a Republican and I don't "sort of look down on minorities." #TGDN
— Lauren Luxenburg (@LaurenC_Lux) January 13, 2013
Democracy: Mechanism by which tyranny is best enforced #DemocratCodeWords
— Area Man (@lheal) January 13, 2013
#DemocratCodeWords Racist, Homophobe, Sexist: Person you're losing a debate with.
— Eric Larson (@larsoneric50) January 13, 2013
Twitter users kindly weigh in with some helpful #DemocratCodeWords.
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