Twitter is buzzing today, as Pope Benedict XVI ‘s new Twitter account has been revealed. The buzz started yesterday, when it was reported that the pope would launch a personal Twitter account.
RT @CNN: Pope to open a personal Twitter account.
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) December 2, 2012
Where's the Pope?
— BILL HEMMER (@BillHemmer) December 3, 2012
Many thought the account would be under the handle @benedictusppxvi, and started following that account in anticipation.
Hours before officially joining @twitter, @BenedictusPPXVI — Pope Benedict XVI — has 10k followers.
— Luis Velarde (@luivelarde) December 3, 2012
@RichardDawkins The Pope's newborn account @BenedictusPPXVI has 0 tw but already over 10K followers. But whom is he going to follow?
— Patrizia Feletig (@citypat1) December 3, 2012
But, the correct account is @Pontifex.
Pope's Twitter handle @Pontifex, first Tweet Dec. 12 will be a Q&A format: – VW
— The Associated Press (@AP) December 3, 2012
The account’s follower numbers are growing by the second!
As for whom the pope is following?
The @pontifex is following 6 versions of himself. The Pope's a Hindu?
— The Mad Hatter (@dhruvster) December 3, 2012
Ah, keeping tabs, perhaps. Alas, The Vatican will soon realize that fake accounts won’t end any time soon. This is Twitter!
Chuck Grassley welcomes Pope Benedict XVI as only he can.
Welcome to Twitter Pope Benedict. U will find it useful and interesting
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) December 3, 2012
“U.” They are totally buddies!
Ugh. Sadly and predictably, that did start.
Memo to self: tweeting about the Pope invites even nastier replies. #twitter
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) December 3, 2012
Roseanne Barr, of course, joins in the hate.
And others follow vile suit.
The Pope will fit right in on Twitter. We too have no idea how to responsibly handle allegations of paedophilia.
— Tom Freeman (@SnoozeInBrief) December 3, 2012
OMG I can’t wait to fuck with the Pope
— jon donofrio (@HiYourJon) December 3, 2012
@damiancoyle After having had The Smiling Pope and the cuddly-looking John Paul II, they had to go for a Pope who was an unmitigated bastard
— Dr Fran van Plannaram Ph.D. (@dismalplaces) December 3, 2012
The Pope on Twitter….fuck off. #catholicchurch
— MADE IN ESSEX (@MadeInEssex) December 3, 2012
I don't fuck with the pope kuz the last couple of them liked to fuck with boys
— Prince Pai (@PrinceQLK) December 3, 2012
Oh, vom. The Pope is about to join us on Twitter. Just what we need: more patriarchal, brainwashing, homophobic shit.
— Page 45 (@PageFortyFive) December 3, 2012
The great thing about Ratzinger's twitter is that we can finally report the Pope for abuse. Abuse of boys, human rights & twitter @Pontifex
— Olivier (@schraylor) December 3, 2012
Pope is going to make a Twitter account and going to make the first tweet himself. Calling it will be "Where's all the choir boys at?"
— Pachinko "Cops Are Cunts" Fucks (@DJMadCunt) December 3, 2012
The Pope has joined Twitter! The Catholic Church brining their pursuit of young boys into the 21st century….
— Si (@SimonDyoung) December 3, 2012
Pope is looking to open a twitter account! Well twitter is probably the best place if he's gonna be looking for young boys
— aitchy (@Aitchy94) December 3, 2012
The Pope will need some 14 year old boys to sort out his #Twitter glitches….oh wait
— Suky Spook (@Sukyspook) December 3, 2012
The Pope is getting his own twitter handle? Hide your little boys and call Chris Hansen!
— Dugless206 (@Dugless206) December 3, 2012
Molesting 3-year old boys just like that paedophile Faggot pope Benedict XVI does #leaveitin2012
— The Bible Lied (@antibible_t) December 3, 2012
@AaronmN7 The Pope is getting Twitter today. Another way to follow little boys I suppose.
— Laura ?️? (@LauraMuse_) December 3, 2012
Will the Pope be able to fit all that gay hate into 140 characters or will there be space for an attack on condoms and women
— Darren (@DarnEther) December 3, 2012
Really? This coming from people who gay-bait and bash constantly. And lady parts peddling, of course: See, the pope totally hates women, what with all that trying to protect them from being killed in the womb. Monster! Another thing that the haters don’t understand; the pope loves them, no matter what they say or do, and always will.
Haters, heal thyselves.
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