Laser-like focus! On himself, once again. As Twitchy reported, President Obama met with MoveOn, other Obama cultists, and union thugs yesterday. Did they discuss Benghazi? Fiscal cliff? Massive layoffs and hiring freezes? Whatever! Obama has some vacationing to do. It’s good for his soul and stuff and that is what is really important. It’s so important, it requires a pledge.
No, really. He said that.
Obama: “One of my pledges for a second term is to get out of Washington more often because it is just good for my soul”
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 14, 2012
More from the always hilarious Jammie Wearing Fool:
Because the poor thing just didn’t have enough vacation time and golf in his first term. You can really tell his heart’s in this, huh?
Speaking to liberal activists yesterday, the Huffington Post reports that President Obama promised he would get out of Washington more often in his second term.
Fore-ward! But, hey, that’s his standard operating procedure. Maybe it won’t just be golf; maybe he’s going to hit up Vegas, baby a few more times as Canoodler in chief.
Twitter users aren’t surprised.
Obama promises to get out of Washington more his second term? Umm was he ever in Washington his 1st?
— Reaganette (@Ezinger44) November 14, 2012
Is that even possible? RT @dcexaminer Obama promises ‘to get out of Washington more often’ in second term
— Jon Lustig (@jonlustig) November 14, 2012
Obama promises to "get out of Washington more." Because what he needs are MORE visits on The View.
— Razor (@hale_razor) November 14, 2012
@charliespiering @freddoso Shorter Obama> I have 4 years to lower my handicap to single digits!
— Peej (@PeteinWI) November 14, 2012
@charliespiering I think we should just sell his desk & #EmptyChair then!
— Conservative Blonde Woman (@GolightlyGrl427) November 14, 2012
Ah, if only he’d thought of this before the election:
It’s funny, because it’s true.
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