Mitt Romney’s campaign released two new ads that are both full of Boom! The latest is “No, I can’t.” Remember, President Obama recently told everyone to forget about that whole Hopeandchange ™ thing. Now he says he can’t change Washington. And he blamed you: It’s not him, it’s you.
The ad destroys him and conservatives on Twitter love it.
MoeLane: #rsrh New Romney-Ryan Ad (That Wrote Itself): "No, I can't."
— Moe Lane (@Ogiel23) (@moelane) September 24, 2012
BRILLIANT ad here by @MittRomney targeting younger voters: No, I Can't:
— Demetrius Minor (@dminor85) September 24, 2012
More like this, please.
The other ad has Nancy Pelosi’s knickers in a twist.
If @BarackObama cannot lead his own party, how can he lead America?
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) September 23, 2012
Boy, is she ticked that someone leaked her muting the insufferable president.
"Nancy Pelosi has denied that incident," Axelrod reacting to new ad which talks about Pelosi putting Obama on mute in Woodward book
— Katrina Trinko (@KatrinaTrinko) September 23, 2012
Pelosi objects to 'mute button' ad (Seung Min Kim / Politico)
— memeorandum (@memeorandum) September 24, 2012
Call the waaahm-bulance!
Then I feel comfortable supporting the ad, sight unseen. RT @politico: Nancy Pelosi objects to Mitt Romney ad:
— David Limbaugh (@DavidLimbaugh) September 23, 2012
Heh. These Twitter users agree.
And the ad itself:
The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward reported that during negotiations on the stimulus, President Obama called the leaders of the Democratic Party: Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid.
As he spoke, Speaker Pelosi muted the phone and went on with the meeting.
If he cannot lead his own party, how can he lead America?
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