As Twitchy reported yesterday, actor Jon Lovitz rightly, and epically, took issue with President Obama’s sneering remarks to entrepreneurs. A reminder: President Obama said “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
The Left wasn’t completely silent, though. While they hoped to silence his honesty, they couldn’t resist falling into their usual attack and insult mode.
John Lovitz mistakenly thought someone cared what he thought today.
— Simon Says (@SayethSimon) July 19, 2012
Mr. Lovitz took it in stride and kindly tried to explain the truth to the wilfully ignorant. Basic concepts like freedom, individuality, hard work, perseverance and what freedom actually is are apparently hard for some.
I know. The entire country imitated me and I got two Emmy nominations.. But i was never funny on SNL… Oh, well.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Yes! I had great teachers! I give them credit in my bio. And after college, I took a giant risk with no guarantee & made it!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
That is another hard concept, evidently. Equal opportunity does not, and should not, guarantee equal results.
True, I didn't build my acting career. Somebody else did. Cause at the time, I was busy, building the White House! Yeah, that's the ticket!
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Why are are you mad at me? I voted for Obama. I opened a business and created jobs 3 years ago. I didn't create the bad Economy.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Jon Lovitz has created or saved more jobs than President Obama.
I read the whole text. It's still not true.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
@SWilli03 I don't hate the President. I hate blatant pandering and lying, from anybody.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
I couldn't agree with you more! My parents and teachers and other actors helped me… Not the government!!!!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Democrats have grossly tried to convince people that they need to rely on the government from cradle to grave, tethered to the government teat all their lives. And that they should kowtow and kiss the government’s garment with gratitude for any speck that is thrown their way.
“@Stryker1b: @realjonlovitz weren't you also building that wall in China too?”
Well, now you're being silly!
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
He also explains a little something about taxes and the people who pay them. Hint: It’s not the government.
Oh… The government services paid for by taxes? Stop using those? Ok! And I'll stop paying for them, too! You pay for it!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
No! I'm saying they built roads & bridges, w/ taxes!! Where do you think the government gets money? From taxed income!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
“@JulieLvsPACKERS: @realjonlovitz Your success is yours alone. No one made you hilarious. You built the funny yourself!”
Thank you!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Hilarious and smart. Never change, Lovitz.
Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Update: His awesome just keeps getting, well, awesomer.
Of course, I have a career because of SNL ! Lorne Michaels hired me… Not the government.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
The lower the capital gains tax, the more tax revenue is created for the government.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Wow. Common sense!
If the government helped me build my career & 99% of the country is hurting, why aren't they blaming the government for not helping them?
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
I agree w/ the President. I guess if you're not succeeding, it's 'cause you're driving down the wrong road.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Double boom!
He even hilariously slams Joe Biden.
“@uwsp46: @realjonlovitz how did obama kill bin laden & pass HC but u could do ur comedy act by ur self?”
I didn't! Joe Biden wrote my act!
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Well.. If I have no career, then I have no income!!! So, I guess I won't pay taxes and you're ok with that! Thank you!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
“@shadysharyn: U call a 24 cameos career?”
No … But 40 movies, 100 tv shows, two series, stand up! Working 25 years non stop? Yes!!!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 19, 2012
Just read it . Thanks!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 20, 2012
You’re welcome! Keep being awesome and honest, Lovitz!
I don't know who is in charge of comedy on the Huffington Post,
But I do know they have no sense of humor.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 20, 2012
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