Oh, Nanny Bloomberg. There isn’t any sort of government power grab that he doesn’t like. He loves them all!
Today the Obama Admin took a step towards breaking the Washington logjam on #immigration that has hamstrung our economy http://t.co/LY2b7lyf
— NYC Mayor's Office (@NYCMayorsOffice) June 15, 2012
With its action today, the @BarackObama administration is making a significant portion of the #DREAMact a reality: http://t.co/Y9zN5mC7
— Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) June 15, 2012
Ending deportations of innocent young people who have the potential to drive tomorrow's economy is long overdue: http://t.co/Y9zN5mC7
— Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) June 15, 2012
He wants the ability to buy large sodas to be against the law, but not, you know, entering the country illegally.
Mayor Bloomberg likes to pander, too. Like the wind!
Bienvenido @NYCgob! Follow our new official Spanish-language Twitter feed #SV #FF
— NYC Mayor's Office (@NYCMayorsOffice) June 15, 2012
Twitter users take the wannabe-dictator to task, as always.
From One fascist to another @MikeBloomberg @BarackObama With its action today, the @BarackObama administration is making a ….
— Kevin B Snyder (@Kevinbsnyder) June 15, 2012
@MikeBloomberg I'm drinking a 20 oz. soda right now. COME GET ME.
— John Lopiano Jr. (@johnlopiano) June 15, 2012
He should only deport the fat ones RT @MikeBloomberg With its action today, the @BarackObama administration is maki… http://t.co/wfFt5hZP
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) June 15, 2012
Ouch! Wonder if he’ll drown his sorrows in a super-sized soda?
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