A typical woman? Or a “typical white woman” like his grandma?
Here is a pro-tip for you, Mr. President. Simply putting “fact” in front of something, doesn’t make it true. Fact apparently doesn’t mean what you think it means. Neither does truth.
Voting on the Paycheck Fairness Act took place today and the Democrats have been out in force lie-pushing all day long.
Watch the #PaycheckFairnessAct debate on the floor of the US Senate now ahead of the 2:30pm ET vote: http://t.co/5IKNPQxz #equalpay
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) June 5, 2012
Great visit at the WH with Lilly Ledbetter. She's on her way to Congress. Vote on Paycheck Fairness starting soon! pic.twitter.com/9sqOr2wv
— Valerie Jarrett (@vj44) June 5, 2012
The average 25-yr-old woman makes $5K < than the average 25-yr-old man, putting her at a disadvantage for the rest of her career #EqualPay
— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) June 5, 2012
By the age of 65, the average working woman will have lost $431K as a result of the earnings gap http://t.co/dPpOUMzq #EqualPay
— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) June 5, 2012
Conservatives continue to push back against the lies and against this blatant use and abuse of women. Women are not pawns, Democrats.
#EqualPay for equal work is fine, as long as education, seniority, and skill sets are equal. If not, then you deserve to be paid less.
— Teri Christoph (@TeriChristoph) June 5, 2012
A lil reminder to Paycheck Fairness Act supporters: @BarackObama pays his female staffers nearly 20% less than their male counterparts.
— Teri Christoph (@TeriChristoph) June 5, 2012
RT @davidhauptmann: WSJ on Dems' "fairness" bill: The Trial Lawyer Paycheck Act http://t.co/ZNA5Y2YG
— Richard Ward (@rwardIII) June 5, 2012
@SenatorDurbin please release the salaries of all of your male and female employees so we can see how you pay them the same…thanks!
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) June 5, 2012
People in glass White Houses… MT @BarackObama Tell Gov. Romney and the Senate GOP that women shouldn't be paid less for the same job.
— Teri Christoph (@TeriChristoph) June 5, 2012
The “Fact Checker” at The Washington Post even admits Obama isn’t very, you know, factual. Of course, it still only gives him one Pinocchio, even after admitting nearly every word out of his mouth is a lie.
With so many choices of data, from legitimate sources, it is no wonder that the White House would choose the data set that best makes its case that the gender gap is large. But the president’s phrasing — “Women still earn just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns”— suggests it is much more a straight line comparison of wages when in fact the results in the annual data may stem from other factors.
It would have been better for the president to have used a range, or perhaps say “as little as 77 cents.” Moreover, he could have acknowledged that some women make lifestyle choices that reduce their wages over the course of the year. By all accounts, there is a wage gap, but it has declined dramatically over the decades — and depending on how the data are viewed, in some cases it barely exists.
In addition, the administration should be much more transparent about the fact that it is comparing the wages of female minorities with the wages of white men. It is not apparent in the public statements.
One Pinocchio
More lies.
What exactly is it about #EqualPay for equal work that makes Romney and Republicans so uncomfortable? http://t.co/FJ0M8e4G
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) June 5, 2012
Senate Republicans today have a chance to stand up for #equalpay for equal work. #PaycheckFairnessAct
— Sen. Barbara Boxer (@SenatorBoxer) June 5, 2012
The only Republicans who are against our common-sense measure — the Paycheck Fairness Act — are the ones here in Washington #equalpay
— Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) June 5, 2012
Um, Harry? As Twitchy informed you earlier, the Democrats in Washington do not pay equally.
Senate GOP just blocked a vote on #equalpay for equal work bill, following House GOPs’ lead. News flash: It’s not the 1950s anymore.
— House Democrats (@HouseDemocrats) June 5, 2012
You seem to think it is, Democrats. Grow up and stop using women as your toys.
The Republican #WarOnWomen continues: @Senate_GOPs block the Paycheck Fairness Act #equalpay http://t.co/SF5bPC3n
— Sen. Barbara Boxer (@SenatorBoxer) June 5, 2012
The war on women is perpetrated by the Left and always has been. Every belief they espouse, every agenda they push and every policy they put forth is harmful to all. That includes women, Ms. Boxer. Women aren’t some magical separate group who don’t count as, you know, people.
After the vote, the President continued with his constant use of women. Conservatives weren’t having any of it.
Silly women! Let Barack Obama pat you on your purty little heads. And go make him a sammich, Julias!
@BarackObama still wondering, tho, why such a disparity exists in the White House. Change begins at home. #EqualPay
— sashalyn (@sashalyn) June 5, 2012
There seems to be a disconnect between republican women and #EqualPay for equal work…do *they* not want equal pay?
— Patti (@utbrp) June 5, 2012
No, they don’t want a law that is harmful to everyone, including women. Try to keep up. It is a wonder what one can learn when one thinks for herself and refuses to be treated like a perpetual victim. That’s empowerment, baby.
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