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House votes on sex-selective abortion bill; Obama and Left think gendercide is hunky-dory; Update: PRENDA fails to pass


The House votes today on the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act. This bill, known as PRENDA, would make gender-selective abortion illegal, protecting unborn females from the war on baby girls that is being waged upon them.

More from CNN:

One of the most divisive issues in politics is set to take center stage in Congress on Thursday as the House of Representatives votes on a measure banning abortions based on the sex of a fetus.

Supporters characterize the proposal as a necessary defense of the civil rights of unborn children; opponents consider it part of a broader so-called “war on women” and an ongoing assault on legalized abortion.

The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act would impose possible fines and prison sentences up to five years on doctors who knowingly perform abortions chosen on grounds based on sex.

Abortion providers could also be subject to civil penalties, including punitive monetary damages, under certain circumstances.

How incredibly sad is it that stopping gendercide is “divisive?” Opponents of this bill claim it is a “war on women.” In reality, their opposition to it is the real war on women, and on baby girls. Faux feminists always trot out the false war on women while ignoring the very real killing of our baby girls. It doesn’t just happen in Asia, where there are 163 million “missing” women. By missing, they mean dead. Some states have passed such laws already or are trying to do so. The “feminist” response? Maybe it’s icky, but shut up. Because, “reproductive rights.”

In March, Arizona passed a law making gender- or raced-based abortion illegal.  Many questioned whether this was even necessary.  It doesn’t even happen here, does it?  But of course it does.  When you have legal, unlimited abortion on demand, unborn children can be, and are, killed for any reason, including their gender.  The passage of the law in Arizona prompted the lefty feminist Monica Potts to write the following at the American Prospect:

“Americans have always had a low tolerance for the icky factor related to anything that seems to involve parents engineering their families.  Even if it were happening, which there’s no evidence for, this bill would be wrong.  We don’t need to get into the business of wondering why women have abortions, and policing it.  Would I be personally horrified to find out a woman and her husband routinely sought abortions of female fetuses?  Yes, I would.  Would I seek to stop them?  No, not beyond any personal counsel or public criticism it’s in my rights to provide.  That’s just the way it is.  Sometimes, freedom means we have to live with the possibility of icky things.”


How super empowering. You’ve come a long way, baby!  Self-professed “feminists” willingly accept, defend and fight for gender-based abortion.  The real “ick factor” is that Ms. Potts and her faux feminist brethren believe that it is totally fine to kill babies for any reason, including their gender, because The Cause of the made-up and nebulous “reproductive rights” is more important.  More important than, you know, actual lives. What’s a little willful killing of baby girls if it’s for A Cause ™?

They are grossly opposing PRENDA as well.

Or, you know, a way to stop gendercide.  How dare anyone try to stop abortion providers from aiding and abetting eugenics?  If you assault someone based on her  gender, then you should suffer additional penalties as a hate crime perpetrator.  But aborting an unborn baby because she’s a girl?  Hunky-dory.  Stop bitterly clinging to ethics, wing nuts.

To the Left, baby girls are expendable and women are disposable. Wasting our time on protecting the lives of girls? Stupid rubes!

Non-existent? One doesn’t even need to look to Asia to know that is not true. Live Action recently exposed Planned Parenthood aiding and abetting sex-selective abortion in Texas. And today, Live Action exposed a New York City clinic facilitating gendercide.


Live Action further cites studies showing that sex-selective abortion is happening here in the United States.

Despite opponents’ arguments that sex-selection abortions are not occurring in the United Sates, Dr. Sunita Puri and three other researchers at the University of California found that sex-selection abortions are in fact occurring due to the unborn child being a girl. You can read more about Dr. Puri’s research here and also find other resources on sex-selection abortions at NRLC’s website.

Of course it is. When you have legal, unlimited abortion on demand that is what happens. Unborn children can be, and are, killed for any reason, including their gender or their race. Margaret Sanger smiles.

The anti-woman Left on Twitter shows its revolting true colors.

Just icky, pesky girls and all.

Protecting doctors is of the utmost import. Suck it up, baby girls. Doctors are more important than you are.


Respecting them. By treating their children as disposable and encouraging the snuffing out of the lives of their baby girls.

The Left is also disgustingly celebrating the life of George Tiller instead today.

Michelle Goldberg, revolting as always.

The lesson is clear. Anyone who is genuinely concerned about sex-selective abortion should be working to fight sexism, its underlying cause. Laws that seek to limit women’s autonomy and confine them to traditional roles have it precisely backward. Unless, of course, limiting women’s autonomy and confining them to traditional roles has been the goal all along.

The traditional role of being allowed to live? Well, gee, it’s not like girl babies deserve human rights or anything. Children are to be aborted at and for one’s convenience, even if the inconvenience is the baby’s sex.

The President also gave his repugnant opinion. You know, the same alleged man who told women that their daughters’ dreams are predicated on the legal ability to kill their own children.


From Tapper’s ABC report:

TAPPER: The House is, I think, this afternoon preparing to take up a bill that would ban gender selection as a factor in abortions in this country. And I was wondering — I haven’t a statement of administration policy; I was wondering if the White House had a position on that?

CARNEY: I will have to take that as well. Been focused on other things, but I will get back to you.

Note: The White House got back to me this evening to say the president opposes the bill.

White House deputy press secretary Jamie Smith says in a statement: “The Administration opposes gender discrimination in all forms, but the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision.   The government should not intrude in medical decisions or private family matters in this way.”

Unless it is taking over your health care. And intruding on every other aspect of your life. But the lives of girls? Above his pay-grade.

Sickening. Women for Obama, while he thinks that protecting doctors is more important than life. But, then, he always has. As a senator in Illinois, he voted four times against Born Alive acts. Not only does he think that aborting a child for being a girl is fine and dandy, he wouldn’t even want her life to be saved were she to survive the abortion attempt.


He believes that babies who are born alive during an abortion attempt should legally be left to die.  In his own words:

As I understand it, this puts the burden on the attending physician who has determined, since they were performing this procedure, that, in fact, this is a nonviable fetus; that if that fetus, or child — however way you want to describe it — is now outside the mother’s womb and the doctor continues to think that it’s nonviable but there’s, let’s say, movement or some indication that, in fact, they’re not just coming out limp and dead..

Not just coming out limp and dead. Poor doctors would have too much of a burden, what with pesky babies not cooperating and insisting on having the human will to live and the strong spirit to survive. Especially those icky girl babies.

The Left has always sanctioned infanticide as an end justifying the means, even if the means was the lives of babies. Now they are also sanctioning gendercide.

Take note and remember who voted to condone the killing of baby girls for the horrible crime of having girly bits. And remember, ladies, The Cause is always more important than you are.

Or your daughters.




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