I'm an avowed Meghan Markle hater. I have been for several years and just wrote about my disdain for her several weeks ago. Now, she has a new series on Netflix where she tries to be this generation's Martha Stewart, and my feelings about her have not changed. She is fake, rude, entitled and those are the good things I could say about her. You can never make me like this woman. The rest of America is catching on.
The spoofs are more entertaining than her actual show.
At one point, she tells viewers how to make their own beeswax candles. She instructs watchers to go their local beekeeper and ask for some beeswax. Like most people have a local beekeeper and this is 'Little House on the Prairie'. Does she realize the economy is in the trash (thanks Joe Biden).
At another point, she says her favorite attribute about Harry she sees in her kids is their 'accents' and how they say Zebra.
She and Drew Barrymore could use group therapy, honestly.
I don't trust Markle in any outfit.
When her friend, Mindy Kaling, did not know her last name, she had to be sure to make it clear it is Sussex. That isn't a last name. That is a title. Sussex is none of their last names. Also, didn't she hate the Royals? Why does she want a 'royal' last name?
Meghan also teaches the audience how to transfer pretzels from one plastic bag to another. What a visionary.
Princess Di never took her sons away from the Royal Family. Meghan could never compare.