Caring for elderly family members is no walk in the park—it’s more like a marathon through a minefield with a blindfold on. The physical toll of lifting, bathing, and managing medications is exhausting enough, but toss in the emotional strain of watching a loved one decline, the guilt of feeling impatient, and the relentless juggling of your own life’s demands, and you’ve got a recipe for burnout that’d make even the toughest cookies crumble. It’s a labor of love, sure, but one that tests every ounce of patience, resilience, and sanity you’ve got.
I see the strains of the demands every day as a member of 'Gen X'. Generation X is stuck in the ultimate sandwich squeeze, slathering their lives with a double dose of caregiving chaos. Sandwiched between raising kids who still need help with algebra and chauffeuring aging parents to doctor’s appointments, they’re juggling sippy cups and pill organizers like circus pros. With one hand wiping noses and the other managing Medicare forms, Gen Xers are the unsung MVPs of multi-generational mayhem, proving they can handle it all—barely—with a playlist of Nirvana and a strong cup of coffee.
This is one area where New York was getting it right. They allowed those in need of care to pay family members for their care. This allowed a family member to support themselves and their family, while still providing dignified and personalized care for their loved one. Now, New York Governor Hochul wants it unionized. It's easy to guess why.
They are lining her pockets.
That's an excellent question!
Typical Democrat. They claim to care about the working class, but at every turn, they harm them. There needs to be more help for families who are taking care of their elderly family members. Our society should make it easier for the elderly to live out their last days in their homes with their families. This latest move by Hochul is just another despicable slap in the face of regular Americans