Some people have expressed confusion with Trump's funding freeze. They want to make sure it won't keep Seniors from receiving their Social Security or babies from receiving WIC payments so their Mothers can buy formula. We want to ensure the most vulnerable in society are taken care of. Conservatives are compassionate, but we want to ensure the money is spent well. Funding NGOs, on the other hand, is a terrible use of taxpayer funds.
This is arguably the single most important aspect of Trump's funding freeze.
— Nate Hochman (@njhochman) January 28, 2025
The immigration crisis isn't an accident. It's a well-oiled system, facilitated by powerful NGOs—and funded by your tax dollars.
By defunding the NGOs, Trump is crippling the entire system. 🧵
NGOs are what Trump is attempting to cripple and for good reason. An NGO is a 'non-governmental organization'. They get lots of money from the government though. Many of them use that money to import people from other countries to work jobs that do not require much skill. They pay for their housing and for them to have vehicles. They often dump them in small towns where they overwhelm the schools and hospitals and then act shocked when the original residents fight back. The Democratic party loves to support these agencies because they hope to turn them into voters for them. It's a whole scam.
Defunding NGOs might legitimately be one of Trump's most impactful actions, yet it seemingly came out of nowhere. So many of our problems can be directly attributed the NGO complex, but that isn't exactly common knowledge. I don't remember it being mentioned during the election..
— aqualover420 (@aqualover420) January 28, 2025
NGO's often also rent up whole blocks of low-income housing making it impossible for citizens to find affordable housing in their city.
I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about our immigration policies but I had no idea our own tax dollars are funding the flood of illegal immigrants into this country.
— Rocky Mountain High (@subsix848) January 29, 2025
That's the thing. Most taxpayers don't know about this. It is very lucrative. Not only does it flood American neighborhoods with people with very few skills who do not speak English, but the people running these organizations are making very nice salaries. They are getting rich ruining America's lower and middle class neighborhoods and making home buying nearly impossible for the average young American.
The refugee NGOs are a perfect example of a self-licking ice cream cone:
— Nate Hochman (@njhochman) January 29, 2025
1) The government gives NGOs money to resettle refugees.
2) The NGOs lobby for more money—and more refugees.
3) Rinse, repeat
The American taxpayer is giving these organizations millions and millions of dollars. We are paying them for our own demise.
Do not confuse these NGOs with your favorite charities… even while they call themselves so. It’s a multi-billion dollar global influence and restructuring tool meant to permanently change the very nature of the United States.
— TimOnPoint (@TimOnPoint) January 28, 2025
This system must be shut down.
Please do not be fooled by these organizations. They are not a charity looking out for the best interests of Americans. They are quite the opposite. Americans should support stripping these organizations of funding.