As one of President Trump's first mandates, he ordered all federal workers back to work.
🚨BREAKING: President Trump mandates all federal workers return to the office.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 20, 2025
Listen, as a general rule, I have no problem with people working from home. I work from home. I write for Twitchy and my Editor is states away. If Foo has something she needs to correct or a directive to offer, she messages me and I adjust. It works very well and I believe we put out a great product for our readers. It requires a whole bunch of adults doing their jobs well. It's a wonderful benefit. The problem with federal workers doing their job from home is they mostly need to be responsive to customers (the American people) and there is lots of evidence they may not be working well. One piece of evidence leading me to this conclusion is this video. Just a quick warning ... there is some coarse language in this video so do not watch at work or around little ears.
This DC bureaucrat is outraged she’s gone to have to go in to work every day.
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) January 25, 2025
She’s deeply concerned for all the parents who now have to figure out child care!
In reality, these people have been collecting fat salaries since Covid while chilling at home
If you work from home and have small children, you should already have childcare for your children. An employee should be free to hop on a call, Zoom meeting or assist a client or customer at a moments notice, and you simply cannot do that if you have small children you must tend to. These people should have childcare already. Yes, they now must leave their homes and commute, and yes, that's a pain, but childcare should have already been managed. Maybe once employees return to work and thy are able to determine their efficiency, they can go back to work from home, even if it is just a few days a week. There does need to be a total revamp and an efficiency check before that happens again.
Meet Ms Genesis Cuesta…
— NOVA Campaigns (@NoVA_Campaigns) January 26, 2025
She’s a GG12 making at least $104,000 per year, living in swanky DC, working for the federal court services and heartbroken to have her telework rescinded
Calls her boss - @POTUS - “Cheeto”
“f@ckery has only just begun”
Does fashion reviews on TikTok
This is a great example of ensuring actual work was happening on the tax payer dime. She has deleted her Tik Tok account at this time. Shocking.
This is going to be such a great way to weed out the people using the job who really don’t want to be there. Hopefully they’ll be able to find something else they actually enjoy doing.
— Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz) January 26, 2025
You’re not supposed to be full-time caring for your child when you’re full-time working a job. I’m glad these people are finally getting caught. It’s ridiculous. I know people who have full-time remote jobs. They pay for child care.
— Deb E (@debspov) January 26, 2025
Exactly! There is no way to effectively work full time and provide full time care to your child with no assistance.
Why do federal workers consider themselves so privileged and special that they shouldn't have to commute to work or have to find child care like everyone else?
— Topper (@rwbcat) January 26, 2025
Liberals exist with this nonsense belief they are entitled to special privilege. They are getting a huge wake up call.