Last week, I wrote about the rewriting of Covid history. Now that journalists and other leftists (but I repeat myself), have discovered the lockdowns were not only not beneficial, but actually harmful, they are trying to convince the public they weren't that bad. They alternatively claim they were necessary, they weren't that long, they were optional, or it was just a fun vacation. I urged readers to resist that gaslighting. Now, it seems the Left is gearing up for the next canon event to control the masses.
They seem to believe they won't be able to use a health emergency this time, so they are going to use climate change.
So you want to go outside — despite the heat, heavy rainfall and poor air quality affecting millions this summer. Here’s how to determine whether it’s safe to leave the house.
— NYT Health (@NYTHealth) July 22, 2023
To be clear, the NYT Health section is gently suggesting readers should probably not go outside unless the guidelines they have established are met. How very convenient. This is them 'suggesting' lockdowns again with more palatable language.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 22, 2023
NYT 2020: staying inside is dangerous
— Dennis (Redacted) ¯\_( ツ)_/¯ (@grumpy_veteran) July 22, 2023
NYT 2023: going outside is dangerous
Went out everyday during covid not going to let a little bit of weather bother me.
— El Naranja (@Naranjasupremo) July 22, 2023
That's the spirit!
Oldie but a goodie. Covid didn’t work for long enough, I guess.
— LG in AZ (@myfoureyedtribe) July 22, 2023
Bingo! The Left was counting on hysteria from Covid to last at least a decade. They would make Americans wear masks forever, schools would frequently move to weeks on Zoom as a gift to the Teacher's Unions, and citizens would be forced to get vaccines to work or travel. Their plan was foiled because brave men and women, parents, activists, politicians, and first responders refused to be cowed. Their collective voice overpowered the Administrative State led by men like Anthony Fauci. They weren't counting on the strength of the American experiment. So, they've moved on to a new way of terrifying their fellow countrymen.
According to The NY Times staying inside is super dangerous, because of respiratory viruses, but going outside is dangerous too. Since there are no options aside from being inside or outside, The NY Times feels you should just always be afraid.
— Eli Klein (@TheEliKlein) July 22, 2023
One of the stupidest headlines I've ever read. It is neither more nor less dangerous to go outside than it was in previous years. This is an agenda in search of a story.
— Ann Bauer (@annbauerwriter) July 22, 2023
Free floating fear and anxiety in search of a reason. And wanting everyone else to be as anxious as you are so it’s normal.
— Jennifer Sey (@JenniferSey) July 23, 2023
The same people who supported closing boat ramps, parks, beaches, and even outdoor gyms.
— Critical B (@criticalsfl) July 22, 2023
It was a glorious day in NYC! Went for a morning jog and swim at the public pool. Then I went to my local coffee shop and had a croissant.
— NYC Parent (@nycfreethinker) July 22, 2023
Damn it, forgot to check if it was safe to leave the house!
May we collectively refuse to adhere again and this time, come together and send the message 'Americans will never again risk freedom to assuage fear'.