Wisconsin unions suffered another painful defeat tonight as the state senate passed Right to Work legislation.
#RightToWork passes state Senate 17-15, Petrowski voting against #news3
— Jessica Arp (@news3jessica) February 26, 2015
Senate passed #RightToWork 17-15. One Republican crosses over to vote with Democrats. #WBAY
— Jason Zimmerman (@ZimmermanWBAY) February 26, 2015
NOW: Wisconsin Senate passes #RTW bill w/o Democrat support, 17-15 vote. Now heads to Assembly; hearing planned Monday at 10 am @fox11news
— Andrew LaCombe (@andrewlacombe) February 26, 2015
Union bosses should look at #RightToWork as an opportunity to reform and improve their unions to deliver better value to members. #WIUnion
— Matt Soleyn (@MattSoleyn) February 26, 2015
Yeah, that’s gonna happen.
Oh, there was much whining.
Wisconsin State Sen. approves #RightToWork as expected and sends it to Assembly. Gallery chanting "shame" as Senate adjourns. #WKOW
— Pete Zervakis (@PeteZervakisTV) February 26, 2015
We have to hit absolute bottom apparently b4 ppl remember why unions were created #WIUnion #RightToWork No wonder why they hate education
— Nasty D – Not A "Good German" Never Will Be (@DawnGulick) February 26, 2015
When #RightToWork passed in the WI Senate, the voice of the people was effectively stomped on. #SB44 #RightToWorkIsWrong
— Ĵậşöñ (@jason_demoe) February 26, 2015
^^^ You just know he supported Obamacare.
WI republicans will break the state to see Scott Walker run the nation. As long as we appease our campaign donors, right? #RightToWork
— Justin Shoman (@justinshoman) February 26, 2015
#RightToWork has nothing to do with your right to work. It just defunds & destroys unions. @SimonReporter
— terminalinsanity (@terminsane) February 26, 2015
F, Twitter has some depressing news 4 #Wisconsin right now. #RightToWork 4 less passes. Are you rich? If not, this is not good news for you
— W.C. Red ?? (@WCRed816) February 26, 2015
Passing #RightToWork #WrongForWI: When #1u working ppl lose the right to unite, it means lower wages & fewer benefits for ALL working ppl.
— SEIU (@SEIU) February 26, 2015
This ongoing #RightToWork attack has thrown our economy out of balance & families in WI & across the nation are the ones paying the price.
— SEIU (@SEIU) February 26, 2015
#RightToWork = Right to be fired at any time for any reason. Not a hard concept to understand.Yet millions support something that hurts them
— W.C. Red ?? (@WCRed816) February 26, 2015
“@news3jessica: #RightToWork passes state Senate 17-15" hey #Michigan…smell that smoke? #Wisconsin is burning & Walker holds the match.
— lori lukens (@LoriLukens) February 26, 2015
If Unions have a product that the customer wants to pay for, then the customer will pay for their services! Why force them?
— ?? BarrNone ?? (@BwBarrnone) February 26, 2015
You answered your own question.
FWIW, I'm a dues-paying Teamsters member. I support right-to-work laws on freedom of association grounds. 1/x
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) February 26, 2015
No one should be forced to pay a third party money in order to have a job. 2/2
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) February 26, 2015
By union thugs? RT @wnkramer: Sad day for worker safety in WI. WI workers will be injured & killed on the job as a result. #RightToWork
— Tim Lindstrom (@F2Ford) February 26, 2015
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