It’ll be great. They’ll bust ghosts, talk about feelings and shoes, yada yada yada.
BEST CASTING EVER! Meet the new all-female Ghostbusters cast!
— E! News (@enews) January 27, 2015
The new Ghostbusters bust ghosts AND THE PATRIARCHY.
— Mike Roe (@MikeRoe) January 28, 2015
The thing I look forward to even more than a shitty reboot of Ghostbusters is a shitty all-female reboot of Ghostbusters. #tinktinktinktink
— Stephen Green (@VodkaPundit) January 27, 2015
@VodkaPundit And you'll be sexist when it doesn't gross as much as the male one.
— Dusty (@dustopian) January 27, 2015
Oh and get ready for the "Ghostbusters are girls??111!!" prograge articles featuring people on Twitter.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 27, 2015
Oh, yeah, that’s already starting. Enter left wing garden gnome Patton Oswalt.
The east coast blizzard pales when compared to the Internet Indignant Spittle Typhoon Reaction to the all-female Ghostbusters news.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) January 27, 2015
@wildroverhockey @pattonoswalt hear hear. You can only like all announcements. Otherwise you're sexist or racist or homophobic…
— Rodrigo Barros (@roddybarros) January 27, 2015
Part of the reason it’s going to drive me nuts is because it won’t be about Ghostbusters, it’ll be about being Ghostbusters AND a woman.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) January 27, 2015
They’re gonna make Ghostbusters a girl power flick where they have to overcome the doubts of men. I’m bored just talking about it.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) January 27, 2015
.@TheBrandonMorse Honestly I'd rather see that than either
a) A remake with a recast Venkman and Egon etc.; or
b) A Rogen/Franco version.— NeoN: Automataster (@neontaster) January 27, 2015
.@neontaster How about neither! How about NO remake? Let that beautiful sleeping dog lie.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) January 27, 2015
But we’ll never achieve perfect utopian social justice until women are allowed to bust ghosts in an unnecessary remake.
@neontaster Man, Hollywood really takes their recycling seriously. >50% of movies for 2015 are non-original @TheBrandonMorse
— Snake Plisskenish (@_CrotalusAtrox_) January 27, 2015
Every bad idea can get worse apparently.
I don't think @IdrisElba should star in the new Ghostbusters.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) January 28, 2015
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