The left has an overwhelming need to portray Islamic terrorism as just one brand of what all those crazy religious people do. They constantly try to shoehorn relatively rare violent acts done in the name of a non-muslim ideology into the same category as a global jihadist movement bent on world domination. All the while they try to portray every Islamic attack as just an isolated “lone wolf” incident unrelated to the “religion of peace.”
A case in point, Canadian author and blogger Kelly Oxford:
It would be cool if the media would call Christians who attack abortion clinics "Christian terrorists"
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) January 15, 2015
Ok, sure, let’s do that.
She probably also thinks it would be really cool if Christians actually were “attacking” abortion clinics, so that her tweet would make a lick of sense to anyone other than brain-dead, leftist, moral-equivalence junkies.
@kellyoxford and then ask all white Christians to denounce
— ericka (@erickagarst) January 15, 2015
You wouldn’t need to ask. Why only “white” Christians though?
@kellyoxford I think about this a lot.
— Louis All Is Calm, All Is Bright-zman (@LouisPeitzman) January 15, 2015
Seriously, dude? You need professional help then, because there probably hasn’t been an abortion clinic bombing since you were in diapers.
THIS. RT @kellyoxford: It would be cool if the media would call Christians who attack abortion clinics "Christian terrorists". #realtalk
— Jenn Prosser (@JProssa) January 15, 2015
@kellyoxford I'd be ok with "Christian asshole"
— Faces Of Fortitude (@MariangelaAbeo) January 15, 2015
I wonder if she has one of these on her car.
@kellyoxford I think they're doing the clinics a service…there's one near me that I had no idea what they did until protesters showed up.
— Chris Balint (@cbalint) January 15, 2015
See how this works? Protesting is the same as “attacking.” When you consider that the protesting mostly consists of praying, the utter lunacy of equating Christians with people who murder over unflattering cartoons becomes apparent to anyone who isn’t willfully ignorant.
What should we call terrorists who target innocent straw men?
@kellyoxford It would.
— Lauren Moccio (@LaurenMoccio) January 15, 2015
@kellyoxford perfect description, actually.
— Samantha Johnston (@btwsam) January 15, 2015
@kellyoxford “lone gunman” is the only phrase that is allowed. (sorry kelly i was answering emails but i’ll try to respond more)
— Greg Siggins (@GWSigg) January 15, 2015
We’re sure she’s waiting breathlessly to hear what you have to say, especially if it’s normally as insightful as that.
Facts, reason, proportion … none of it matters when the goal is deluding oneself. There are usually a few intrepid souls who will attempt to enlighten these beings of pure emotion with a dose of reality. It doesn’t usually help though.
@kellyoxford See lion's share of terrorism motivated by non-Christian ideology in 2015:
— ॐ (@JasonSamfield) January 15, 2015
@kellyoxford Or check out this listing of contemporary terrorist attacks: Sort them by recency or death toll.
— ॐ (@JasonSamfield) January 15, 2015
@kellyoxford Or see this listing of Islamic terrorism in this decade thus far:
— ॐ (@JasonSamfield) January 15, 2015
@kellyoxford And look at terrorism in the US by type here: At least 9 Islamic attacks this decade vs. 5 non-Islamic.
— ॐ (@JasonSamfield) January 15, 2015
@kellyoxford Not to mention that there was an arrest just a few hours ago regarding Islamic terror: @ABC
— ॐ (@JasonSamfield) January 15, 2015
@JasonSamfield apparently you're an annoy-o-phile too, and please stop saying "lion's share." @kellyoxford
— November Wayne (@cousinwayne) January 15, 2015
@cousinwayne Sorry the morbid reality annoys you. It really must be a rough world that you live in to have to surf through a few tweets.
— ॐ (@JasonSamfield) January 15, 2015
Most terrorism in the US comes ‘from radical Christians, white supremacists, and far right militia groups’ or something
‘A movement???’: ThinkProgress warns of ‘Christian terrorist movement’
‘Total insanity’: MSNBC guest relates Paris terrorist attack to WHAT?
Sally Kohn compares today’s #CharlieHebdo attack to all the ‘Christians or Jews killing in name of religion’
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