Politico dared to poke fun at President Hope and Change for his reaction (or, rather, lack thereof) to the massacre at Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Some found the cartoon effective.
The latest from @wuerker: http://t.co/vdmPoP0xKb pic.twitter.com/irA7VBP6bY
— POLITICO (@politico) January 13, 2015
Ouch RT @politico: The latest from @wuerker: http://t.co/Qx7c2JP4tG pic.twitter.com/7M3EC0sFk3”
— Ruben_NYC (@RubenAvxhiu) January 13, 2015
BOOM! RT “@politico: The latest from @wuerker: http://t.co/Ik5I5DoBUm pic.twitter.com/7zcp57dJxb”
— Martin (@jusleanica) January 13, 2015
More than a few seemed a little miffed by the cartoon, though…
— Angie O ? (@gardenia073) January 13, 2015
@FridaGhitis @politico @wuerker "Ouch" and *unfair.* Obama himself couldn't have gone w/o huge security risk. Don't believe he's apathetic.
— Elaine Replogle (@ElaineReplogle) January 13, 2015
You sure about that whole “security risk” excuse?
Under the bus: Secret Service ‘not asked or notified’ of possible trip to Paris unity march
@politico @wuerker Get off your high horse Politico.Nuttenyahu and a Saudi Rep marching for freedom of expression and equality? Get Real.
— Freddy (@richiefreddy) January 13, 2015
@politico @wuerker "Apathe" is the one ordering drone attacks which are killing ISIS and al-Qaeda leaders!
— Bill Kennedy (@bk5137) January 13, 2015
He’s also the one that sent a whole delegation to the funeral of a criminal who got shot for attacking a cop.
@politico @wuerker Apathy is W stating, "I'm not even thinking about Bin Laden anymore"
— Get Panicked! (@commchf) January 13, 2015
Lapdog alert: Was Obama in a no-win situation with Paris rally? Mark Halperin thinks so
‘Harsh, but deserved’: NY Daily News front page slams Team Obama for skipping Paris march
Greg Gutfeld finds silver lining in President Obama’s absence from Paris today
President Obama isn’t in Paris, but he will be in D.C. tomorrow honoring the San Antonio Spurs
‘Oh damn’: John Kerry gets lampooned in #JeSuisCharlie cartoon
‘Too damn late’: John Kerry announces Paris visit to ‘pay respects to French people’
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