Worst response to Paris attacks is self-censorship by artists and writers like #CharieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) January 8, 2015
Andrea Mitchell’s tweet about the ‘worst response’ to the Islamic terror attacks in Paris seems like a noble sentiment but …
.@mitchellreports NBC News isn't showing them…
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) January 8, 2015
NBC News decides delicate sensitivities more important than 12 lives https://t.co/dp0QSQ6uuz
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 8, 2015
@redsteeze First Amendment warriors, they.
— Sittin' in a Tree (@DypsyDoodle) January 8, 2015
@mitchellreports 12 dead in Paris and the American press cowers in fear.
— P. Fiddy (@Ease_Private) January 8, 2015
hi @mitchellreports going thru your tweets- no sign of the #CharlieHebdo cartoons? Why? Self-censorship is defeatist pic.twitter.com/SDy6472688
— Howard Roark (@shortwave8669) January 8, 2015
@mitchellreports You have long served these despots Andrea, so shut up
— Winston Kirkehoyden (@Winston144) January 8, 2015
@mitchellreports Self awareness is not a strong suit at MSNBC…
— Dudek (@Dudek2020) January 8, 2015
Tweeter issues challenge to MSMers outraged by today’s #CharlieHebdo terrorist attack
Actor/comedian Kumail Nanjiani: Everyone should publish the Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons
‘Brought tears to my eyes’: Aussie cartoonist captures #CharlieHebdo tragedy in ‘flawless’ image
Bill Maher: ‘Moderate Muslims’ need to do more than condemn #CharlieHebdo attack
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