We’re not sure what they’re spiking the water coolers with over at Media Matters but it has powerful hallucinogenic properties. First Oliver Willis is thinking he has the intellectual chops to challenge Jonah Goldberg, now left wing hack Eric Boehlert is whining about how CNN is a tool of the GOP.
boy @CNN spending LOTS of time repeating GOP complaints abt #TortureReport. it's now so engrained in DC press; whatever GOP's mad abt = news
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 9, 2014
@EricBoehlert @CNN Tapper/Bash repeating the WHY OH WHY release it meme-in fact ALL they r reporting is the release- not the news IN REPT
— bzriley? (@bzriley) December 9, 2014
@EricBoehlert @CNN also, isn't is amazing how ez it is to suss out the BS when U KNOW the TRUTH? THAT fact must be blowing RW minds,
— bzriley? (@bzriley) December 9, 2014
Bless her heart.
.@EricBoehlert u, Sorkin & others nailed it-If #GOP says earth's flat, @CNN et al give it equal air time. #Balance #bullshit #TortureReport
— Leighton (@LeightonDumas) December 9, 2014
@EricBoehlert @CNN you mean their still a relevant news org?
— Bluliner (@bluliner) December 9, 2014
@EricBoehlert @CNN
Mad, lies, whatever, if a republican saids it, they report it.— peace.. (@mblueisland5667) December 9, 2014
@EricBoehlert @TeganMathis @CNN I am proud how Diane F handled gop tool Blitzer. @SenFeinstein
— Dee Walch (@DEEE999) December 9, 2014
trust me @CNN, GOP being angry abt release of #TortureReport is NOT the big news of the day.
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 9, 2014
top of @CNN's news hour isn't #TortureReport, but claims report's release might spark terror attack. (i.e. GOP talking point today)
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 9, 2014
At this point someone from CNN had to respond and point out Boehlert is wrong.
@EricBoehlert Barbara Starr was our first reporter out of the gate on "what's in the report," and graphically outlined torture techniques
— Vaughn Sterling (@vplus) December 9, 2014
@vplus and that's still the news, in my opinion. i don't see how that gets bumped off top slot after 3-4 hrs.
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 9, 2014
@EricBoehlert that was our top slot. We did Starr first.
— Vaughn Sterling (@vplus) December 9, 2014
@vplus 5:00:20 "happening now, breaking news, terror warning, an urgent bulletin issued to law enforcement nationwide."
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 9, 2014
@EricBoehlert yes, he said that in the open, but it wasn't our lead.
— Vaughn Sterling (@vplus) December 9, 2014
@EricBoehlert @CNN Uh that was Josh Ernest's statement, the president's spokesman, mr journalist. Should we thus ignore the threat claim?
— mcbob (@mcbob) December 9, 2014
Shorter Eric Boehlert: Don’t report stuff when it doesn’t fit my desired narrative!
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