Do you even know what the heck you’re talking about? Clearly not.
The left wing idiocy will just not go away. You would think that at least one or two of these useful idiots might have accidentally stumbled upon a clue since the ruling, but no.
Stupid incarnate.
@SarahKSilverman #hobbylobby are keeping the state out of the church while leaving the church very much in the state
— Emma Rachel Deane (@EmmaRachelDeane) July 2, 2014
Huh? A craft store is doing this? Amazing.
@EmmaRachelDeane @SarahKSilverman How are they keeping the church in the state?
— Brett Knoss (@BrettKnoss) July 2, 2014
With scrapbooking supplies and glitter, naturally.
@SarahKSilverman I hope you're ready for a truckload of "I used to be your biggest fan, BUT…" replies from conservatrolls.
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) July 2, 2014
Yeah, pretty sure that ship sailed already.
@SarahKSilverman They think we live in a theocracy and not a democracy
— Mitch ™Ⓜ️ (@kade6767) July 2, 2014
Pro tip: Stop using words you don’t understand.
@SarahKSilverman If Christians aren't free to kill Jews, can they really be said to be free?
— Larry Yudelson (@yudel) July 2, 2014
Because not wanting the government to force you to pay for something against your conscience is EXACTLY LIKE killing Jews.
@SarahKSilverman the thing about freedom is that you dont get to dictate how it is exercised by others. Why is tolerance so intolerant?
— salsa (@Salsanator) July 3, 2014
Repressive tolerance.
‘DERPS’: Salon presents ‘beyond parody’ scenario where SCOTUS rules against Hobby Lobby
Michael Moore’s ‘analysis’ of Hobby Lobby ruling is about as dumb as you’d expect
Hobby Lobby freak-out: Actor Dax Shepard hyperventilates over SCOTUS and ‘womb-controlling men’
Lena Dunham weighs in on SCOTUS’ Hobby Lobby ruling
‘Clueless or lying’: Sandra Fluke ‘purposefully ignoring’ fact in Hobby Lobby decision
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