White House Obamacare cheerleader remains super proud of the traffic boost Obama’s Funny or Die stunt gave to HealthCare.gov. No word on actual enrollments, natch.
But she’s got nothing on the pitiful pride oozing from Organizing for Action.
#GetCovered, spotted in the wild:
Seen on the bathroom wall #GetCovered #OFAction pic.twitter.com/UOt8A15Xij
— All On The Line MO (@allontheline_mo) March 11, 2014
OFA-Missouri tweeted that bathroom photo on purpose. With a red arrow and the #OFAction hashtag and everything!
For a good time, tweet #GetCovered? Paging Tommy Tutone. This is your next big hit for sure.
where it appropriately belongs (h/t @BecketAdams) RT @OFA_MO Seen on the bathroom wall #GetCovered #OFAction pic.twitter.com/bmqNgwnNwQ
— Nino (@baldingschemer) March 11, 2014
@BecketAdams @OFA_MO Are they saying Obamacare is really in the toilet?
— Undine (@HorribleSanity) March 11, 2014
@gopfashionista So hysterically pathetic!!!
— A Meh Gal ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (@GallSueJoe) March 11, 2014
@OFA_MO Ahhhh….bathroom walls, great place for information!
— A Meh Gal ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (@GallSueJoe) March 11, 2014
“@OFA_MO: Seen on the bathroom wall #GetCovered #OFAction pic.twitter.com/xSEOViY3Lq” Because seeing it on a bathroom wall REALLY convinces.
— ? Belle McSassybutt ? (@MyBamaBelle528) March 11, 2014
Awwww. Looks like someone’s all wee-wee’d up.
Editor’s note: When this post was first published, “[pic]” appeared twice at the end of the title. We have removed the extra “[pic].”
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