I guess rape video promoter Russell Simmons @UncleRUSH won't be lecturing me again about civility & decency anytime soon. #hypocrite
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 15, 2013
Civility lecturer Russell Simmons published a “Harriet Tubman Sex Tape” video that he called the “funniest thing I’ve ever seen.” Because, y’know, LOL at slave rape humor and the pornification of the heroic Tubman.
Would his daughters be proud of this?!? RT @TheMoxieSophic: Screenshots are FOREVER @UncleRUSH http://t.co/gdQnoWB6ce #tcot #bcot #tgdn
— Queen ?? WuTang Virus ???????????? (@LaReinaCreole) August 15, 2013
So Russell Simmons (@UncleRUSH) thinks Harriet Tubman sex diaries jokes are funny? Good thing he's not a rodeo clown, huh?
— Sunny McSunnyface (@sunnyright) August 15, 2013
After his “buddies from the NAACP” called, Simmons removed the degrading video and reminded everyone how awesomely liberal he is. The hip-hop tycoon apologized “if people r hurt” and retweeted a message declaring him “da Harriet Tubman for our generation.”
Modern leftists: @BarackObama is sacred ground…but Harriet Tubman isn't.
— Krystle Baker (@TarheelKrystle) August 15, 2013
Here we go again: Liberalism as a defense against the indefensible.
Watch the same civil rights leaders whining about a rodeo clown give @UncleRUSH Russell Simmons instant absolution for Tubman rape video.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 15, 2013
Yes, won’t that be fascinating?
Breaking: @UncleRUSH has just been banned from the Missouri State Fair for life.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) August 15, 2013
Can we expect beer summits and personal phone calls and the White House leading a national conversation on racism and misogyny? Will President Obama declare that his supporter, Russell Simmons, “could have been me“? Or will Simmons get a pass since he didn’t do anything as offensive as slipping on a rubber Obama mask?
White House stuck its nose in Sandra Fluke controversy and rodeo clown. Will they on big Obama booster @UncleRUSH's disaster?
— Sunny McSunnyface (@sunnyright) August 15, 2013
Sorry to interrupt vacay @BarackObama but your buddy (see pic) @UncleRUSH made a Harriet Tubman sex tape. Comment? pic.twitter.com/Smyo6ePKBw
— Harriet Baldwin Text Trump 88022 (@HarrietBaldwin) August 15, 2013
Rodeo clown is depraved for wearing an Obama mask but these disrespectful douche canoes who made Harriet Tubman sex diaries vid R "funny"?!
— Krystle Baker (@TarheelKrystle) August 15, 2013
Rodeo clown was banned. What about this clown? > I Get It And I Respect It…The Harriet Tubman Video Has Been Removed. http://t.co/YkZR5lHuDx
— Rachel (@esqcapades) August 15, 2013
Oh, there might very well be a phone call from the White House:
I hope Obama calls @UncleRush to console him for all the mean things people have said to him over degrading a civil rights icon.
— Kim Jong-unthony Bialy (@AnthonyBialy) August 15, 2013
Stay tuned for the inevitable liberal hypocrisy.
The free passes are out there, however, the spankings are a far cry from the outrage inspired by the Missouri rodeo clown in an Obama mask.
If you're more concerned about @UncleRUSH's legacy than that of the slave liberator that video made into a mammy, miss us all with that.
— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) August 15, 2013
Harriet Tubman?? Say it ain't so, @UncleRUSH
— John Legend (@johnlegend) August 15, 2013
OK. Just watched the video. Uncle Russ has been making money denigrating black folks for years. No surprise.
— Jason Whitlock (@WhitlockJason) August 15, 2013
Lefty UPenn professor Anthea Butler wanted to imprison the creator of that crappy YouTube video that wasn’t responsible for the terrorist attack in Benghazi last year. She’s more than willing to school Simmons, but it looks like he’ll get off without jail time.
Honestly, @UncleRush is worse than Paula Deen's mess. I expect her to act out. He does not get a pass from me.
— ProfB (@AntheaButler) August 15, 2013
This is why education is important. @UncleRush should be ashamed of his ignorance of his own history. Money and yoga won't cure it.
— ProfB (@AntheaButler) August 15, 2013
I really wish Nat Turner's and Harriet Tubman's ghosts would haunt @UncleRush.
— ProfB (@AntheaButler) August 15, 2013
What I do care about @unclerush is if you step your game up and learn AA history. Come to @Penn, my Africana studies colleagues will help.
— ProfB (@AntheaButler) August 15, 2013
Then there’s the ol’ publicity stunt excuse:
wait…did @UncleRush "Asian Girls" us?–because i think ALL of us now know about his youtube channel…..riiiiiight? #Doh!
— Trash That Rizzo Statue (@questlove) August 15, 2013
well now we all know about @uncleRUSH's new channel so mission accomplished?
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) August 15, 2013
Let’s close this out with some delicious retweets of Simmons’ past tweets.
You dont believe that! u call black conservatives Uncle Toms! RT @UncleRUSH: Always try to be yourself.”
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) August 15, 2013
LOLOLOL. RT @UncleRUSH Every day set the simple goal of trying to be more awake and less distracted
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 15, 2013
As we know, self-awareness is super hard for Simmons.
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