Is Richard Marx sure about that?
John Stamos’ full tweet via WhoSay:
btw @richardmarx @realjknoxville sent me pic this morning with this heading: Richard Marx on Full House! i took it as a compliment.
Separated at birth?
Stamos wasn’t the only one who decided to take Johnny Knoxville’s pic as a compliment.
@JohnStamos @realjknoxville Shit. John and I should have been in a band together back then. We could've called ourselves "Nelson."
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) June 14, 2013
@JohnStamos @realjknoxville And thanks, John, but any comparison between us anytime is a compliment to ME, you handsome devil, you.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) June 14, 2013
This Twitter bromance has actually been blossoming for a while, at least for Richard Marx. In fact, he’s something of a Stamos connoisseur. Or fanboy.
From now on, whenever I feel inner turmoil I'm going to ask myself "What would John Stamos do?" #acutestamosenvy
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) February 4, 2012
I wonder if John Stamos wakes up every morning and strongly considers just "handsome-ing this shit in."
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) September 16, 2012
Just saw John Stamos on tv. He's so handsome it' at an eclipse.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) January 6, 2013
@JennyJohnsonHi5 I feel that way about John Stamos.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) February 17, 2013
If I were John Stamos, and I was having a bad day, all of a sudden I'd smile and go "Whoa, whoa…wait….F*ck it. I'm John Stamos!"
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) March 29, 2013
It matters not what we are doing, nor what he is doing. John Stamos is having more fun than us.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) April 25, 2013
If John Stamos and Rob Lowe walked into the same room it would just explode with handsomeness and there'd be live coverage and shit.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) April 26, 2013
It's a bitter pill knowing no matter how great we may feel about ourselves on any given day, we still are not John Stamos.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) June 9, 2013
“Give a man a fish, you have fed him for today. Or just be John Stamos and say, "Fuck it, I am John Stamos."
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) June 12, 2013
Words to live by.
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