Looks like it’s participation trophy day at the White House!
First, President Obama was named Person of the Year by Time magazine. And later this morning, the president will announce that he’s rewarding Vice President Biden’s hard work with a new leadership position.
Biden is leading a task force on gun control. Biden, for God's sake.
— Donnnnnna (@DonnaIsHereNow) December 19, 2012
Yep, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, Uncle Joe will be heading up an interagency effort to review policies aimed at curbing gun violence. Evidently this is Obama’s way of telling Newtown, “You’ve got a homeboy in the deal who gets it.”
POTUS this morning will announce that @VP Biden will spearhead an interagency process to formulate policies in the aftermath of #Newtown
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) December 19, 2012
Official: Biden's new role rooted in his experience writing/shepherding into law the 1994 Crime Bill + time chairing Senate Judiciary Cmte
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) December 19, 2012
Shepherding experience? Uh oh. Someone better tell Chompers Biden the gig doesn’t come with one of those nifty shepherd hooks. He’ll be devastated!
Obama in apt named Brady Press Room in WH at 11:45 am EST taps Biden to lead gun violence policy panel in wake of Sandy Hook gun slaughter.
— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) December 19, 2012
Both Obama and Biden are expected to be present at the 11:45 a.m. announcement. We hear Biden can’t wait to get in there and “give you the whole load.”
It's long been WH practice: when in doubt about a difficult issue – name a panel to make recommendations.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) December 19, 2012
A panel … with Biden? Is this the “meaningful action” Obama promised? Because, you know, nothing really says “meaningful action” like putting Joe Biden in charge. Of anything.
"The problem with America today is a three letter word: GUNS." – Joe Biden
— spot_the_dog (sdog) (@s_dog) December 19, 2012
Biden is in charge of a committee on gun violence now. There's no punch line but the joke is on us.
— Brian P (@BPwantstofish) December 19, 2012
I hope Biden's gun control task force goes as well as his recovery summer. #doyouknowthewebsitenumber
— Rebecca Noms Hot Dogs (@duchessrebecca) December 19, 2012
Nothing says "I'm super serious about this" like appointing Joe Biden to lead a task force.
— Socially DistantAF (@brodigan) December 19, 2012
Plugs Biden to oversee GUN CONTROL, as he did so well overseeing the STIMULUS SPENDING #PeterPrincple #tcot
— Patty ?? (@pir8gold) December 19, 2012
My lack of faith in Govt. I was afraid it might be some clueless liberal. Obama asks Biden to lead guns task force – http://t.co/Vb4wwJFw
— Dan Celia (@financialissues) December 19, 2012
Now I feel safer!Obama taps Biden to craft new policies to curb gun violence in wake of shooting http://t.co/M3cifj1O #JoesBigBoyJob
— ItIsGoodToBeQueen (@redandright) December 19, 2012
I bet if you did a word cloud about Joe Biden-the word crazy would appear in it…and he's going to be in charge of a panel on gun control?
— IrritatedWoman (@irritatedwoman) December 19, 2012
Exit question: Does Obama plan to get Biden started with some of his administration’s tried and true gun control ideas?
I think one of Obama's new gun control ideas will be buying dangerous firearms and secretly shipping them to Mexican drug cartels.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) December 19, 2012
Second verse, same as the first.
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