Post-election snark from comedian Jon Lovitz? Unlike the Nobel Prize, President Obama did earn that.
The disgruntled Dem and frequent Obama critic isn’t looking “Forward!” to dangerously long waits for medical care. And like many Americans, Lovitz is concerned about the devastating impact of Obamacare on business owners and their employees.
Friends who own businesses say
they're figuring out how many people they have to lay off. They can't afford health care & stay open.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 7, 2012
Stock market down 431 points.
I know of 3 companies, so far, who are laying off employees due to excessive health care costs.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
As many heartbroken small business owners noted on Twitter, Obama’s reelection means they’re already being forced to lay off dedicated employees. Others shared their personal stories with Lovitz.
@realjonlovitz Several small businesses here were waiting for outcome of election. Now say they'll close. 30% of town boarded up already.
— TheAnchoress (@TheAnchoress) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz My hubby's place will let people go next month. My best friend is cutting staff & hours now cause of Obamacare
— Patriotmomofmany (@TheDefLeprecon) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz My husband was informed by his company that our health insurance premium will DOUBLE in 2014, layoffs to come.
— Milly Carey (@MillyCarey) November 8, 2012
President Obama, you built that. Heckuva job, Barry!
Lovitz also took the time to respond to some of his Twitter critics.
Yes they did. Moron.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 7, 2012
Anyone can go to the emergency room to be treated.And you won't wait in a line to see a doctor.
You wait for weeks!!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 7, 2012
“@piker62: @ the hospitals will continue to be run by insurance companies. Feel better?”
No. Insurance companies aren't doctors.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 7, 2012
Some people grow up and take care of themselves.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 7, 2012
Jon Lovitz advocates personal responsibility, calls out the dangers of Obamacare and reads Twitchy?
Welcome to conservative fold, Mr. Lovitz! We’re thrilled to have another happy warrior among us.
Lovitz continued engaging fans and critics and slaying trolls on Twitter this afternoon.
@DFLamont I know of a Canadian woman w/ cancer who had to wait 5 weeks for a biopsy. She didn't wait & went to the USA, or she'd be dead.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Name one US citizen who flies to Canada for health care.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
What's an idoit?— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
“@heathellenberg:for fucks sake Lovitz it's over. Obama won, sorry your rich friends lost.”
It's over, alright. Have fun on unemployment.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
No thanks. I'll leave the bag for you.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Well.. I have 54,000 followers.
You have 39.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
That's true , dumb fuck.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
No… I have a job. Hope you don't lose yours.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
“@RedMus3647: @realjonlovitz The companies told people they were going to do it”
Bingo! And they're doing it. It's going to be bad.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Well, that's sad. But you proved my point. He went to the USA for treatment.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
No. It went down 300 points the day after Obama won because of Greece. You're right.. Not.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Glad he lived. It's still better here.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
@joeyjosephus @heathellenberg
I have plenty of work because I'm self employed. I'm not mad, I'm stating facts. They're cutting employees.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Facts are hard for some. Pesky truth!
Yep! And if they don't get it, they get fined.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
I believe you. But not for doctors.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
You were kinda funny never. And you're wrong.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Yesterday, down 300.
Today, 131.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
You have one tenth the amount of people in Canada as the US. And you don't have to pay for any employees medical insurance.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
My friends who own businesses told me personally they can't afford the health care costs. Not Fox news.
Ask around.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
See, Twitchy???
Tell people the truth and they accuse you of lying.My friends tell me this in confidence.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
See Twitchy? We fully endorse that advice.
Just ask people you know who have 24 employees or more . They're cutting them to part time or firing them.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
No. They're my friends businesses. It's not my place to name them. Now say I'm lying. It's happening all over the country.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
People need insurance, yes.
This plan is going to cost jobs.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Lovitz has been a frequent target of the Left’s sweet and loving “tolerance” since he dared to commit the unforgiveable sin of criticizing Obama. In July, he called out liberals’ despicable race card-playing.
Well.. You're a real businessman. But people don't want facts . They want ideology.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
@DocChampagne @robschneider
Rob is funny!
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz “Breaking news: Mountain News confirms 90 layoffs at TECO Coal. Locations, more info. expected to be announced tomorrow.”
— Wendella (@WendyHornsby1) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz yeah, already know some, an aircraft maker in Arkansas is closing completely, Hawker-Beechcraft, awful, reap what we sow
— David Vineyard (@DavidVineyard9) November 8, 2012
“@tcgoody: @realjonlovitz They have to quit filling their bank accounts to give their benefits, tough shit”
Wrong. They can't afford it.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Hello, Twitchy!
I hope you guys are seeing this. People don't believe companies can't afford the health care costs. In the face of facts.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Oh, we’re seeing it, Jon. Keep fighting the good fight!
@realjonlovitz we are planning on laying off about 100 people to get below 50 employees and get our business income beliow $250k
— Respect the Crab (@Modesto1JC) November 8, 2012
@handybanjo You tell people facts & they say you're lying. These are the same people who will probably be laid off.
Wake up, ya OSTRICHES!— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
“@filmnerdjamie: @realjonlovitz thanks to the class warfare propaganda they pushed.”
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz If my competitors drop insurance, I can't compete against them and still provide health coverage. Drop coverage or close down
— Chris (@d0gmah) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz What ObamaCare will do Force more Pple onto welfare – who can't afford $2000 deductibles w/mo premiums to OC 1/3 of PayCk
— S❣️??frdm (@S1776frdm) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz The ones who will be hurt by Obamacare are not the companies, but those who are laid off or have their hours cut.
— JD (@johnjosephTX) November 8, 2012
“@MatthewWilding: @realjonlovitz No one lost their job when the other guy passed the same shit in MA. #sayin”
Your an ostrich.
Sayin.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
“@bobdobolina: @realjonlovitz Your friends are idiots.”
Actually, they're millionaires and successful.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
“@jessfantastic: @johnjosephTX @realjonlovitz this hurts employers. Nobody ENJOYS having to lay people off. It's heartbreaking.”
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
@DavidVineyard9 @realjonlovitz Husband's a CPA at Big4 acct firm. He tells me his clients are shell shocked over some of the new regs coming
— SAJ (@ShenValleyLife) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz @MatthewWilding Obamacare and what was passed in MA were not funded the same way, tax a private entity more employees suffer
— Nicholas Krotec (@NKrotec) November 8, 2012
Then the news is lying.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz John, I am one of the terrible 1%. Run a company for many years. 59 years old. I am retiring Dec 31. Done paying the IRS.
— Richard Bankston (@RickBankstonSr) November 8, 2012
So smart. Why does no one follow you?— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz Company that owns Olive Garden plans to cut many works hours to avoid paying health care insurance @MatthewWilding
— JD (@johnjosephTX) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz we were taught that if you worked hard you would succeed. Now it's if you work hard the other guy gets what you worked for.
— Brenda Key (@1floridakey) November 8, 2012
Yes, it sucks!!! Hope you're ok.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz @filmnerdjamie anyone who says this admin won't kill small businesses doesn't own one
— paul fitzgerald (@pfitz7) November 8, 2012
@realjonlovitz I no of man who laid off 108 Employees the day after election cuz of O'care
— SLSTCP (@bodysouls) November 8, 2012
And, BOOM:
How do you get the left to call you names?
Tell them the truth.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 8, 2012
Lovitz is on a roll:
I guess not lying makes me right wing. Thanks for Proving my point.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
Yes. But I was never against anybody and never far left. Obama said one thi g and did another.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
I know. And that's what they want to do in the US. Some of the new health care is good and fair. Other parts will cost jobs.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
Apparently, when I started disagreeing with you.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
Aw, snap.
Or it could be with 100 employees, it costs them an extra $30,000 a month. And it could be, you don't own your own business.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
I'm not a Republican. I'm just stating facts.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
Facts are hard for the Left.
Because they can't afford it, genius!
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
@realjonlovitz Jon, I too have a small business, going into a shell next 4 years.
— johnnie (@jonnie5140) November 9, 2012
@briansantamaria @bodysouls
No. He's surviving.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
You don't own a business. You're completely uninformed.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
Thanks. I'm just stating facts, not hopes and dreams. People don't like it when reality smashes their ideology.— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
No, ya name calling moron. He laid them off cause he can't afford it .
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) November 9, 2012
We already have 2 small businesses. Considered starting a third one. Not now. We are going to sit tight and save our $$. @realjonlovitz
— 6ManFan (@6ManFan) November 9, 2012
Unfortunately, stories like that are bound to become all too common in the coming months. The truth may be hard to swallow for the Left, but we appreciate Mr. Lovitz’s dedication to putting it out there for all to see.
Jon Lovitz: So, what would happen if Obama went to Israel and Netanyahu snubbed him?
Jon Lovitz treated to another round of liberal hate after criticizing Obama
Jon Lovitz addresses backlash from Left: ‘Twitchy gets the humor’
Bob Beckel: Jon Lovitz is a ‘fat jerk’; Lovitz: ‘Who’s Bob Beckel?’
Jon Lovitz has second thoughts about calling himself ‘liberal’
Awesome: Jon Lovitz calls out the Left’s despicable race card playing
Boom! Jon Lovitz to Obama: Nobel Peace Prize? You didn’t earn that.
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