Looks like MSNBC tried to stack the odds while playing the Left’s revolting game of RNC #negrospotting.
I guess #MSNBC had money riding on that #negrospotting thing… disgusting.
— Ugh. (@realjennya) August 29, 2012
Progressives’ incessant, unseemly racial bean counting and false cries of “racism” haven’t worked to destroy their political opponents, so instead, they’re rewriting the narrative to exclude conservative minorities altogether.
Progs of pallor whitewash. MT @fran_chambers MSNBC cuts every speech made by a minority from RNC speech coverage http://t.co/nKeKApK4
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 29, 2012
Francesca Chambers at Red Alert writes:
MSNBC wants you to think the Republican Party hates minorities. So much so that the liberal news network cut minority speeches from it’s convention coverage.
Nothing threatens the Left like a racial or ethic minority refusing to toe the liberal line. So rather than televising convention speeches from Mia Love, Ted Cruz, Artur Davis, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and Luce Vela Fortuño, the network leaned fully forward into its seething disdain for minorities who won’t march in liberal lockstep.
Really, what could be more tolerant and evolved than progressives of pallor attempting to disappear minorities from the public sphere?
Most of the speakers tonight were women or minorities leading our party, while MSNBC skipped minority speeches. Who are the racists again?
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) August 29, 2012
The only thing whiter than MSNBC's convention coverage is MSNBC's actual staff.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 29, 2012
There's not a single Klanner who wouldn't slip into an MSNBC staff meeting and think, "Now this is the way God meant it to be."
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 29, 2012
MSNBC's exquisite racial and gender sensitivity requires they cut away from speeches by women and minorities. http://t.co/28KnRO1v
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 29, 2012
Shoot, now I'm wishing I'd DVR'd @MSNBC tonight so I could watch them ignore all the minorities. #GOP2012 #narrative
— John Ex (@jermsguy) August 29, 2012
Media bias? What bias?
Pathetic: MSNBC Cuts Speeches Given by Minorities at RNC From Coverage – http://t.co/UHxWhPCP
— David (@oregonlt3) August 29, 2012
Will the other lapdogs in the media take notice?
@DylanByers @politico ••• msnbc cuts all minorities out of RNC broadcast, fools viewers http://t.co/MiI9h7fK ••• ignore that Politico
— Ed Shahzade (@Ed) August 29, 2012
@Morning_Joe Will you all discuss why @MSNBC cut away from nearly every speech by a minority at last night's #GOP2012 convention?
— Texan in Virginia (@VtexanA) August 29, 2012
And what of Wednesday night’s speeches? Will MSNBC put its bias and racism on parade when Gov. Luis Fortuno and Condoleezza Rice take the stage?
Warning: This drinking game could result in a trip to the emergency room.
@clayaiken I have an alternate drinking game. Drink for every time @CNN or @MSNBC refused to show minority speakers at the GOP convention.
— Grognard (@fiffergrund32) August 29, 2012
Shockah! Mediaite covers MSNBC’s whitewashing.
Not shocking: Mediaite defends MSNBC with the headline “MSNBC Falsely Accused Of Purposely Omitting Minority Republican Speeches.”
#MSNBC Falsely Accused Of Purposely Omitting Minority Republican Speeches: http://t.co/IfIOhCCP || "Falsely" @Mediaite? Really?
— Long Hot Summer (@dlb703) August 29, 2012
Mediaite suggests that because “Fox did it too!!!111!!” the accusation is unfair and false. Rubbish. Unlike MSNBC, Fox doesn’t have a reputation for marginalizing, degrading and erasing black conservatives.
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