The talking points express appears to be stopping at only two stations this week: “Witch hunt” and “Bush started it.”
As Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” ABC’s “This Week,” and Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Sunday” to discuss Fast and Furious, apologists for the Obama administration employed both talking points in spades in an effort to defend Attorney General Eric Holder from the growing scandal.
@legal2eagle cause I'm looking at it objectively. They act like they know he's guilty, and are on a witch hunt.
— Blame Girl (@BlameGirls) June 24, 2012
@polleetickle There is a difference between holding people to account and holding a witch hunt for cheap headlines.
— taperoo2k (@taperoo2k) June 24, 2012
The only Scandal in Washington is a do nothing A Republican Treasonous Congress and Darryl Issa's Witch Hunt Partisan Megalomaniac Behavior
— Thomas Pierce (@keshenawarrior) June 24, 2012
@DarrellIssa @jaketapper Attny Gen effectively closed down operation documentation has been provided, exec priv invoked due to ur witch hunt
— A.J. ✊? (@v_verite) June 24, 2012
You just gave Darrell Issa a new idea for next witch hunt RT @pourmecoffee: Why won't Obama make football start right after NBA finals?
— Antifacist sentimentalist (@JesseLaGreca) June 24, 2012
Fast and Furious is not just a witch hunt, it's a Klan hunt. #WhereAreTheJobs
— James Brickhouse (@JustABrick) June 24, 2012
GOP Cmpt/Cong Witch Hunt serves to take light off Justice Dept real work such as Stopping GOP Voter Suppression in Gen Election Swing States
— sam garvaux (@samGarvaux) June 24, 2012
When will the "liberal" media report the TRUTH about this TEApublican WITCH HUNT?
— AATTP (@AgainstTeaParty) June 24, 2012
Well, the Terry family disagrees! RT @ThisWeekABC: Agree? @hilaryr says #FastAndFurious investigation is a "political witch hunt." #ThisWeek
— MJ (@MJ_GOP) June 24, 2012
Why is it every time a Democrat is Pres. the GOP go on a witch hunt to find corruption? It's clear they're still mad about Watergate. #Fail
— Eileen (@taboo1099) June 24, 2012
Does this witch hunt make my ass look big? RT @jaketapper What would you ask @DarrellIssa?
— Jim Gabriel (@flipyourface) June 24, 2012
@foxnewspolitics This is witch hunt. Why didnt Issa request the commander of ATF to appear before House panel?
— Brandy (@ply32) June 24, 2012
@ThisWeekABC @hilaryr Definitely a political witch hunt. My question is why isn't congress doing their job; representing the people
— Alicia Brown (@mssupadupa) June 24, 2012
@meetthepress Nothing Holder does will mollify Issa. He laid out his political agenda when elected. How is Issa's witch hunt creating jobs?
— Sidney Carton (@SidneyCarten) June 24, 2012
At least the GOP faux-outrage #FastAndFurious political witch hunt shows that the right believes that guns really do kill people. #p2 #tcot
— FreedomWorks Panda (@RDofJE) June 24, 2012
How’s that for coordination (or mindless repetition)? Here’s part two: The persistent, but entirely untrue, claim that Fast and Furious began under President Bush, and was ended by Holder. There’s a healthy dose of “witch hunt” included here, as well.
@DarrellIssa y u don't call bush official to testify we all know that op walking guns start with bush not Obama so y this witch hunt?
— djino k (@ginola2010) June 24, 2012
@DavidGregory You need to call @DarrellIssa out for lying to American people. He is on a witch hunt. Holder stopped Fast & Furious.
— Pat (@Soxwriter) June 24, 2012
@cspanwj Good for him. He's not the one who started that program anyway. Conservative witch hunt
— Dan (@Rivercitidan) June 24, 2012
@DarrellIssa You bring dishonor upon all members of Congress with your witch hunt! No credibility until you subpoena GWB officials #hack
— Bruce Cranor (@BruceGthirty7s) June 24, 2012
The whole plan was Bush DoJ's. > RT @MaxCUA: RT @AaronPena: Perry: Fast and Furious is 'Nixonian' #txlege #tcot
— Richard Avalon (@freedoms_sword) June 24, 2012
The main thing wrong with "Fast and Furious" was that it didn't work. If it had, the Republicans would be championing it as Bush initiative.
— Barry Friedman (@Friedman17) June 24, 2012
Come on! Fast and Furious is the responsibility of George Bush. Nuts to compare to Watergate. Repubs looking for anything!!!
— Michael Thompson (@DrMikeThompson) June 24, 2012
#FacetheNation Bob Schieffer,Why r u not asking dipshit Rick Perryany RELEVANT questions about fast and furious program started by Bush! #p2
— Rocky ? (@Rocky1542) June 24, 2012
holder had nothing to do w/ fast & furious! this ill advised program was cooked up by the bush administration #cnn
— roger smith (@smithie1) June 24, 2012
What would leftists do if blaming Bush was taken off the table? Based on the effort they continue putting into invoking the former president’s name whenever something doesn’t go their way, we may never know.
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