Taking a favorite page from the DNC playbook, Bernie is now trying to resurrect the faux War on Women.
Do they ever learn anything?
Please. https://t.co/5AofQrk7G8
— Kelley Raleigh (@kelleyraleigh) November 8, 2015
Wait, we are at war? https://t.co/dXPpzG0B3r
— SalenaZito (@SalenaZito) November 8, 2015
Oh, yes: I forgot I hate my mom, my sisters, cousins, aunts, my grandma… and of course, no female is right-wing. ? https://t.co/iiTUTgAR0b
— Mike Dury (@MikeDury) November 8, 2015
You're clueless https://t.co/bcyw5ITMLg
— Andrew (@drew0851264) November 8, 2015
The only war I see is against men from the left
Oh and those pesky No Boots on the Ground ones where our troops are https://t.co/AfLWxMVqH7— ???????? (@melifix) November 8, 2015
Of course, Sen. Sanders would know about degrading women.
Let he who hasn't had their rape fantasy published cast the first stone https://t.co/JeGHGssA0a
— kilgore trout was in the loop (@KT_So_It_Goes) November 8, 2015
You said that female frigidity causes cervical cancer. https://t.co/e2zbmccE9u
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) November 8, 2015
Relying on the intellectual sluggishness of the American people https://t.co/CJJwfUjOtb
— Bronko (@KingBronko) November 8, 2015
As always. It’s really the only way they can win.
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