Tucker Carlson aired a secretly-recorded conversation between Chris Cuomo and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen where the CNN host complained about journalists asking him about rumors that he’s sexually harassed women in the past:
#BREAKING: Here's the tape of CNN host Chris "Fredo" Cuomo and Michael Cohen, obtained by #Tucker.
in the tape, Cuomo complains to Cohen about rumors that he's forced himself on woman and complained about him making them feel uncomfortable. pic.twitter.com/DcROw88038
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) September 2, 2020
From the recording:
“Guys calling and saying ‘I heard he was the Charlie Rose of ABC; used to invite women to the hotel and open his bathrobe.’ Do I look like the kind of f*cking guy who’s gotta do that?”
Chris Cuomo: "The media is not your friend."
Says reporters called ex-colleagues at ABC:
"Guys calling and saying 'I heard he was the Charlie Rose of ABC; used to invite women to the hotel and open his bathrobe.' Do I look like the kind of fucking guy who's gotta do that?" https://t.co/JOxigSibpC— Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) September 2, 2020
To be clear, this is Chris Cuomo telling Michael Cohen that he’s been accused of sexual harassment, “Tucker Carlson says CNN’s Chris Cuomo was accused of sexual harassment”:
Technically, Chris Cuomo said Chris Cuomo was accused of sexual harassment https://t.co/FvOESKXioi
— Vince Coglianese (@VinceCoglianese) September 2, 2020
Over to you, CNN. Has Chris Cuomo been accused of this by CNN employees?
Hey @CNNPR, how many times has Chris Cuomo been accused of sexual harassment? The Tucker segment just dropped the #CuomoTape.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 2, 2020
If so, what has been done?
Has CNN settled sexual harassment lawsuits for Chris Cuomo? The #CuomoTape suggests that many complaints have been made.
What say you @ChrisCuomo?
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 2, 2020
“Believe all women,” right?
Should the women who apparently accused Chris Cuomo of sexual harassment just be dismissed? I thought we were supposed to “believe all women”? CNN should give them a platform to tell their stories. They have a “right to be heard and believed,” after all.
— Amanda (@AmandaPresto) September 2, 2020
President Trump called for CNN to fire Cuomo over the recording: “CNN has no choice, Fredo must go!”
Will Fredo be fired by Fake News @CNN? He speaks with great disrespect about women, and it will only get worse. Fredo’s Ratings are bad, so this is the time. Always terrible to speak to sleazebags, especially when you are being recorded. CNN has no choice, Fredo must go! https://t.co/veVwg7G1YF
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 2, 2020
Full segment here:
New Audio: Chris Cuomo confides in Michael Cohen. pic.twitter.com/SbHoPQx9Tm
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) September 2, 2020
Michael Cohen later confirmed the authenticity of the tape, suggesting that President Trump had something to do with its release:
The only people in possession of these recordings are me, @DOJ, @POTUS & Trump Org. I did not give this recording or authorization for its use to @FoxNews or anyone. @POTUS and cronies violated my First amendment rights and now this; all to discredit me and my book. What’s next? pic.twitter.com/ajgmpE9ZoF
— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) September 2, 2020
This really is bad for CNN:
Tucker’s leaked audio of Chris Cuomo is so bad that CNN didn’t even try front running the story. There’s just no defense. CNN will lay low and hope the left doesn’t trend it.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 2, 2020
And how many other tapes are out there?
Anyone else think there's more on those Chris Cuomo/Michael Cohen tapes that Tucker Carlson dropped tonight and this was just a warning shot? #MeToo
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) September 2, 2020
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