Talia Lavin, the disgraced New Yorker fact-checker who left her job last year after she falsely accused an ICE agent who just happened to be a disabled Marine Corps veteran of having Nazi tattoos, is very, very angry at Laura Ingraham for doing a segment on her new gig as a journalism professor at NYU:
Her anger at Fox News quickly went viral with thousands of people liking and sharing her tweets, which means she was the one helping get Laura’s segment seen by more people:
this is the fourth time i have been mentioned on fox news this year and i am not an interesting or significant person with any power! leave me alone!
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) March 22, 2019
aren’t there like. earthquakes or peace treaties or something else going on to discuss
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) March 22, 2019
aren’t there like. earthquakes or peace treaties or something else going on to discuss
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) March 22, 2019
Apparently Laura Ingraham called me a “journo-terrorist.” Perhaps I frighten her because I write critically about white nationalism, but I am a non violent and quite kind person who is now actively worried about her incitement of violence against me.
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) March 22, 2019
And then she went ahead a posted the video, which was her most viral tweet of the night with 66,000+ likes:
Here's Laura Ingraham displaying my face to 2.5 million viewers and calling me a "little journo-terrorist."
I am 29.
I have no full-time job.
I am teaching a single course, for $7k, as an adjunct.This is insane. And irresponsible. It is incitement. It is not okay. pic.twitter.com/4tyj9Bktr2
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) March 22, 2019
That tweet was then shared by other blue checks, like this one from the Washington Post’s who tweeted, “This is just out of hand” which is really funny since his employer is being sued over its treatment of a teen who dared to wear a MAGA hat in public:
This is just out of hand. https://t.co/yM2rKktI3D
— Gene Park (@GenePark) March 22, 2019
She just doesn’t get it:
You used your platform as a “journalist” to smear an immigration officer as a Nazi, without any fact-checking. So excuse me for having less than zero sympathy. ??? https://t.co/EOaSEERvrS
— Harry Khachatrian (@Harry1T6) March 22, 2019
“Feel sorry for me that I am only being paid $7000 to teach something I know nothing about”
— Harry Khachatrian (@Harry1T6) March 22, 2019
She wants her own set of rules:
I don't necessarily disagree that this shouldn't be a news story, but it's always interesting to me how people like this have completely different rules for themselves vs. other people.
How many digital mobs against relative nobodies has Talia started and encouraged? https://t.co/gFneV8HL2r
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) March 22, 2019
And she’s raising money off of the outrage:
ps if you want to bankroll my journo-terrorist lifestyle where I eat food and write words, i’m at https://t.co/uCZA6PLhzA https://t.co/qBnZ8fWvVO
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) March 22, 2019
Joss Whedon is even lending a hand!
Got a few bucks? The little journo-terrorist could use a bit of help, so she can keep journo-terrorizing these poor innocent nazis with her terrifying TRUTHS that she journos https://t.co/me9c0qMdgs https://t.co/T4yOBHMyYy
— Joss Whedon (@joss) March 22, 2019
And if this all sounds familiar, it should. She did the same song and dance when she falsely labeled the ICE agent a Nazi:
This has been a wild and difficult week.
I owe ICE agent Justin Gaertner a sincere apology for spreading an rumor about his tattoo.
However, I do not think it is acceptable for a federal agency to target a private citizen for a good faith, hastily rectified error.— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) June 21, 2018
ICE also lied about me, saying I originated the scrutiny of Gaertner's tattoo, misspelling my name, and misstating my job.
I watched this become a story that spread from the National Review to the Daily Caller, NY Post, Daily Mail, all the way down to Tiger Droppings dot com.
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) June 21, 2018
I also realized I had become a weapon used to discredit my colleagues and the vital work they do holding power to account.
As a result, I have resigned after three years at the New Yorker.
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) June 21, 2018
I also realized I had become a weapon used to discredit my colleagues and the vital work they do holding power to account.
As a result, I have resigned after three years at the New Yorker.
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) June 21, 2018
This has been painful and scary, and as I move into an uncertain and financially precarious future, I will be focusing on my writing and any other freelance work I can find.
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) June 21, 2018
Thank you for your support in this difficult time.
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) June 21, 2018
If you'd like to pitch in as I start a scary but hopefully productive new phase, I'm at https://t.co/uCZA6Q2SYa .
— Talia Lavin, партизанка (@chick_in_kiev) June 21, 2018
'Literally shaking right now'! When will Talia Lavin apologize and deactivate her account over this 'threat of violence' against journos? https://t.co/XjMPiAD8rD
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 21, 2019
John Podhoretz deletes his account, apologizes for satirical tweet calling for journalism schools to be ‘neutron bombed’ https://t.co/2MSkelMUvP
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 21, 2019
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