As we reported yesterday, Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill is giving up on HBO’s “Game of Thrones” after a rather brutal “gratuitous rape scene” involving Sansa Stark and her new husband, Ramsay Bolton. Here again is what she said yesterday:
Ok, I'm done Game of Thrones.Water Garden, stupid.Gratuitous rape scene disgusting and unacceptable.It was a rocky ride that just ended.
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) May 19, 2015
You can see how many times it was retweeted and favorited.
But now she’s angry that so many Tweeters cared about what she had to say:
Ok,winter is definitely coming.I just expressed an opinion.Cumulative effect violence & brutality took its toll. Sansa rape last straw. #GOT
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) May 20, 2015
Kinda depressing that so many more people have opinions about #GOT than reform of US intelligence gathering that I also tweeted about ystrdy
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) May 20, 2015
“Depressing”! Well then stop talking about it if you don’t want your readers to, you know, read what you say:
@clairecmc Take a look in the mirror Senator.
— Patrick Patel (@HotRodBlago30) May 20, 2015
RT @clairecmc: depressing that more people have opinions about #GOT than reform of intelligence gathering // DJ: The GoT tweet was that dumb
— Dale Jackson (@TheDaleJackson) May 20, 2015
Ms. McCaskill, put the shovel down. The hole you're digging yourself in keeps getting bigger. @clairecmc
— Max Q ⚡ (@Randy_Shannon) May 20, 2015
Too late. She’s fallen in the hole and can’t get out.
Sen. Claire McCaskill is done with HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones’ after Sansa’s ‘gratuitous rape scene’
‘Blue vs. blue’: Claire McCaskill’s quick backpedal regarding Elizabeth Warren translated
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