If Ms. Lerner did nothing wrong, then certainly she’d be open to speaking with Congressional investigators, no?
EXCLUSIVE: Lois Lerner: "I didn't do anything wrong." http://t.co/jZW2otPqV8 pic.twitter.com/3nFPbGvbm1
— POLITICO (@politico) September 22, 2014
What a whitewash by Politico, describing her as “apolitical,” “fair,” and “didn’t talk much about politics.” She’s the victim, obviously.
She’s also a “savvy lawyer”:
And she’s a savvy lawyer: She studiously avoided answering fundamental questions about her role in the IRS scandal that could land her in deeper trouble with Congress. During her POLITICO interview, flanked by her husband, a partner at a national law firm, and two of her personal attorneys, she opened up about her life as a pariah, joked about horrible news photos and advice that she disguise herself with a blond wig, and cried when expressing gratitude for her legal team’s friendship.
Boo, hoo. She’s complaining about her legal expenses and then has two lawyers at her puff-piece interview with Politico?
Will people buy her sob-story, however?
There isn't a word in this Lois Lerner puff piece that is even remotely credible. http://t.co/EEG7Sjjug6
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) September 22, 2014
My 9 yr old said same thing last week. @politico: Lois Lerner: "I didn't do anything wrong." http://t.co/0oGwdfunLY pic.twitter.com/kZiukSaOhn
— Steven Lombardo (@LombardoSteven) September 22, 2014
@politico She did nothing wrong as long as her job was to target Obama/Democratic opposition and screw them.
— Kitchen Sink (@kitchensinktv) September 22, 2014
DEMOCRATS UNITED: Lois Lerner exercises her 1st Amendment right to talk to @politico. https://t.co/upUxPr7Eqb
— The Streeter (@thestreeter) September 22, 2014
@politico WHAT A LIAR! Stop Her from getting retirement $$$. She is a CRIMINAL!
— linda lou snyder (@lindalousnyder) September 22, 2014
Note: Politico did ask about her missing emails:
“How would I know two years ahead of time that it would be important for me to destroy emails, and if I did know that, why wouldn’t I have destroyed the other ones they keep releasing?”
Because, silly Lois, you can’t destroy emails on the computers of other IRS colleagues.
Report: Lois Lerner’s Blackberry destroyed after congressional probe begun
Theory why photo of Obama dancing was deleted would do Lois Lerner proud
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