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How About NO, Dr. Mengele: Chinese Scientist Claims Ethics Is Holding Back 'Innovation and Progress'

Meme screenshot

We still don't know if COVID was released intentionally from the Wuhan Lab in China, and we probably never will, thanks to corrupt international 'health' organizations like the WHO helping China hide or destroy a lot of records. But we're pretty certain these days that what was once labeled a 'conspiracy theory' -- the fact that the virus did originate from a lab leak -- is accepted as the truth by everyone with a functioning brain. 


We also know that the lab was conducting unethical and illegal gain-of-function research with the assistance of Tony Fauci, and we can only hope he faces accountability soon for that and his many other egregious sins. 

One might hope that scientists would learn from these events (at least the ones who believe in science and not 'The Science'), but at least one bio researcher seems to want to go in the exact opposite direction. 

Last night, He Jiankui, a biophysicist at Wuchang University of Technology in -- you guessed it -- Wuhan, China, proudly announced on Twitter that the only thing holding humanity back from 'scientific innovation and progress' is that pesky old ethics dilemma. 


The fact that he not only thinks this way but has the nerve to say it out loud is almost jaw-dropping. 

For those not familiar with He, the scientist made huge news and raised many ethical questions in 2018 when he produced the world's first genetically altered babies. He was sentenced to three years in prison by a Chinese court for that 'breakthrough.'

Maybe China should have sentenced him for much, much longer. 


Thanks, but no thanks, Dr. He. We don't need any more scientists in this world who think that they are above ethics or morality (or laws) because they simply 'know better' than the rest of us. 

'When you're one generation removed from Unit 731 and think they had some pretty good ideas.'
- @OrdnancePackard

For those who don't know about Unit 731, it was a human experimentation atrocity conducted by Japan in World War II that was every bit as horrendous as anything Joseph Mengele did. 


It doesn't get talked about enough today, but it probably should, based on He's insane tweet. 

'Counterpoint- Ethics is holding back citizens from rounding up delusional narcissistic scientists and executing them for crimes against Humanity...  Careful what you wish for Frankenstein...'
- @WordsfromC

He states that he wants to use genetic research to battle diseases like Alzheimer's, and that is a noble pursuit. But if you cast aside ethics in that research, there is nothing to stop you from turning into a monster.

And no, we do not trust you NOT to careen down that slippery slope. 

So yes, he should be grateful for ethical restrictions. Otherwise, his next court sentence could be a lot more severe than three years in prison. 

'Ethics are not impediments. They are rules of the game. Be better at the game.'
- @Mondaymondtwo

If ethics prevent you from 'innovating,' maybe you should have second thoughts about that 'innovation.'

And the scientific community wonders why no one trusts them or believes them anymore. 

'Guess who needs to be monitored 24/7 by the NSA for the rest of his life?'
- @ProjectVirginia

He needs to be monitored by someone, that's for sure. We know we can't trust the WHO to do it, but lately, we're not all that sure about the NSA either.

'Ethics needs to hold you back more'
- @BullheadRanch

A LOT more, based on his past work with embryonic human beings.

'This sort of reasoning is ignorant to the point of outright evil. What is the point of innovation and progress unless we are progressing towards a better world? Ethics is how we define what actions are acceptable in good world. Without morals, science will only lead us astray.'
- @Gallo_Woodworks


We doubt that He is sitting in his lab twirling his non-existent moustache and cackling evilly about the destruction of humanity. We're sure he considers his work to be very important and well intentioned. 

It may very well be all of that. But Mengele didn't think he was a bad person either. 

We all know what they say about 'good intentions' and what they pave the road to. There's a reason that aphorism became an aphorism.

Sorry, Dr. He, but you are not a god. You are just a man. And if you want progress, then you do it within ethical and legal guidelines that man has established.

If not, we hope the next time they lock you up, they throw away the key.

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