Aaron Rupar emerged from his 3-day Twitter ban as if he’d survived a 10-year coma.
Rupar is absolutely flummoxed that people on Twitter could be banned for vague rules.
The rules are so vague you can get banned for anything, which is probably the point
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 18, 2022
Conservative Twitter veterans had some thoughts for Aaron Rupar.
Local man discovers how Twitter has always been. https://t.co/vppBprN9rA
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) December 19, 2022
Seriously, this one should be framed and hung in the Clueless Tweets Hall of Fame.
We liked it so much that we stole it.
https://t.co/OOhXL28uPg pic.twitter.com/MF9KzSf6Y6
— Jon Gabriel (@exjon) December 18, 2022
Points awarded for masterful meme usage.
Conservatives be like … pic.twitter.com/qLKuvLNszk
— Hootyman (@TheHootyman) December 19, 2022
Welcome to Twitter, Aaron Rupar.
But enough about the rules under Jack.
— Have yourself an Ordy little Christmas (@OrdnancePackard) December 19, 2022
Exactly. Conservatives were banned for years for arbitrary reasons, sometimes being offered no reason whatsoever.
Essentially, if you ticked off enough liberals (an easy thing to do), they’d mass report, and you’d find yourself in a timeout … or worse.
Conservatives when reading this: https://t.co/l8TfW9u2vA pic.twitter.com/H6HYJxsYSd
— Artist_Angie: Sensei of Sarcasm (@Artist_Angie) December 19, 2022
Do you like that, Rupar? Well, do ya??? LOL.
It's me tweeting from 2010. In the time period I come from, we have Twitter. I've heard that in a few years Twitter will ban people for using regular pronouns if the subject wants different pronouns
This seems arbitrary and strange to me. That's probably the point https://t.co/zY18dYoiQq
— Heimish Conservative (@HeimishCon) December 19, 2022
To listen to Aaron, you’d think Twitter was just fine until a few months ago.
A person could be banned from Twitter 1.0 for stating what was known biological fact for millennia: that men can’t be women.
The Left was okay with that.
sucks when it's you, doesn't it? Closely held private company can do what it wants. Remember?
— Rani, Last of The Red Hot Boomers (@ShadesOfRani) December 18, 2022
It used to be so simple when the rules only applied to the people they hate.
These spoiled rotten children really never thought the tables would be turned around on them… pic.twitter.com/n9j49lUBqa
— NevilleTheCat (@FearTheFloof) December 18, 2022
It’s been so much fun!
https://t.co/WboprlwKag pic.twitter.com/F1xn8VhLLk
— ConceptualJack (@freespeechbot1) December 18, 2022
Funny how the rules haven’t changed, but the application of the rules gets applied to “both sides” evenly and NOW you have an issue. 🙄
— Beerded_CPA (JBTCU) (@BeerdedCPA) December 18, 2022
That’s the real kicker. Rupar and others aren’t upset about the rules. They’re just mad they’re being applied to them now.
You out yourself as hopelessly out of touch if you are just discovering this a decade too late.
— Kyle Beckley (@Kyle_Beckley) December 18, 2022
He’s a bit slow. One could say he’s a …
https://t.co/CBxU4FGS4K pic.twitter.com/lYFBBXSCLs
— Montana Department of Organic Flammability (@MontanaDOOF) December 18, 2022
… slowpoke. LOL!
Do you remember when they were banning us for 'Learn To Code'??
Or are you going to pretend otherwise.
— Whatever you do… (@BrerRabbitBurnr) December 18, 2022
Talk about ‘vague rules’. Accounts were canceled for insulting journalists.
Real journalists would have objected to these actions. They loved it.
Rupar is so close to getting it.
Also, people were banned for posting a New York Post article about Hunter Biden in October 2020. https://t.co/TBUf7mXXW3
— max (@MaxNordau) December 18, 2022
Yep, a newspaper was banned for reporting a bombshell news story in the ‘before times’ on Twitter that Aaron Rupar apparently missed.
You're so close to figuring out what a private company is pic.twitter.com/o8axdo2QcO
— 🎄 Hunter Biden's Yuletide Laptop 🎄 (@OverpaidA) December 19, 2022
Ouch. LOL.
— G*yP*triot (@KeyWestBruce) December 19, 2022
Cry harder, Aaron.
Reported for whining. 👇😄 https://t.co/6SYyClZge6
— ag (@AnevadaG) December 19, 2022
If Elon ends up stepping down as the head of Twitter, perhaps he could ban Aaron Rupar one more time on the way out … just for fun!
Editor’s Note:
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