Donald Trump hasn't even been back in the White House three full days and some on the Left are already complaining that he hasn't yet fixed everything Biden, Harris and the Democrats broke.
Combine that with Trump pardoning January 6 prisoners and Sen. Elizabeth Warren did the thing where she serves up a whopper of a logical fallacy in an attempt to dunk on Trump. Instead she fell on her face again:
Donald Trump made big promises on the campaign trail to lower costs for working people.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) January 22, 2025
How do pardons for January 6th insurrectionists help lower the price of groceries?
What did Biden's record-setting number of pardons of criminals and his family members (pardon the redundancy) to help lower the price of groceries?
How does this stupid tweet help lower costs? Get back to work.
— SSGoodGirl (@USSGoodGirl) January 22, 2025
I know you're not used to a president being able to handle multiple tasks at at one time, but you should get ready to sign off on lower taxes, because that's the next thing coming. If you choose not to then you're still a part of the problem, and just spouting powwows.
— Scott Coleman (@bandphan) January 22, 2025
At least it was nice of Warren to admit that Democrats saying Biden and Harris were bringing prices down was a huge lie that the election proved not many voters fell for.
Breaking: The fake Indian suddenly cares about high prices for working people.
— Gerry Callahan (@GerryCallahan) January 23, 2025
Just curious: How did giving a $180 billion bailout to deadbeats with graduate degrees lower costs for working people?
Imagine thinking that unjust incarcerations should be maintained until prices fall.
— Thy Geekdom Come🇻🇦 (@ThyGeekdomCome) January 23, 2025
Now there some Warren-style liberal "logic" for ya!
Oh, and here's a question for Warren:
How does pretending to be a Native American lower the price of groceries?
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) January 22, 2025
Ouch! Warren 1/1024th walked right into that one!
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