As we told you earlier today, a government watchdog report found that police did not clear Lafayette Park during a BLM protest in DC last year in order for President Trump to have a photo op at St. Johns Church.
As is often the case, the reality flies in the face of the narrative the media worked hard to spread last year:
8 Bylines at the New York Times. 8.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) June 9, 2021
The lib media chewed on that “Trump had the park cleared for a photo op” bone for quite a while and the Left ate it up as usual. However, like so much of what the media reported about Trump, it was “fake news.”
NBC News’ Ken Dilanian called it a “really surprising finding,” which is only surprising to anybody who hasn’t been paying attention to how often the media got busted pushing BS during Trump’s presidency:
WATCH the pure pain and disappoint as NBC's Ken Dilanian has to admit that the decision by Park Police to clear LaFayette Square of BLM protesters on June 1, 2020 was *NOT* so Trump could go to St. John's: "A narrative we thought we knew is not the reality." (1/)
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) June 9, 2021
It got worse for CIA Ken as he has to relay the Interior Department IG report's findings that the BLM mob was violent: "There was some violence on the part of protesters in the days leading up to this. There was property destruction. 49 Park Police officers were injured." (2/2)
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) June 9, 2021
“The narrative we thought we knew was not the reality”? Those words should be etched on the headstone marking the passing of the MSM’s credibility.
So you’re telling me … the 2 percent of the media’s Trump Era coverage that hasn’t yet been debunked has now been — debunked?
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 9, 2021
A narrative they KNEW at the time was not the case, but pushed it to discredit President Trump, the target of all of their false narratives. Faux “lamenting” after fete accompli just makes you appear even more disingenuous.
— AbigailAdams (@BattleofCowpens) June 9, 2021
"A narrative we thought we knew"
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) June 9, 2021
A good media epitaph after the last several decades: "A narrative we thought we knew is not the reality."
— Testosticles (@Testosticles) June 9, 2021
Another left wing media narrative bites the dust.
2020 is going to live in journalistic infamy.— mallen2010 (@mallen_2010) June 9, 2021
The media’s left themselves covered in glory… wait, maybe that’s not glory.
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