Social distancing is still something that’s talked about a lot in the U.S. and even around the world, and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem helped provide an example of how it’s done. Watch this video:
This is how we do social distancing in South Dakota.
— Governor Kristi Noem (@govkristinoem) September 23, 2020
For the most part the governor’s tweet got a big ol’ “‘Merica”-related round of applause:
I love this!! ???♥️♥️♥️??????
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) September 23, 2020
This woman ???? ‘Merica!
— Kazantzis for UT Governor ?? (@MadelineKaz) September 23, 2020
Dispatches from the liberated zone
— Michael Watson (@MichaelWatsonDC) September 23, 2020
But as you might have guessed, a triggering is building:
See, that might be funny if your state didn't just hold a massive superspreader event in Sturgis that killed people.
— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) September 23, 2020
How proud you must be.
— Louis Aguirre (@LOUISAGUIRRE) September 23, 2020
“Yaaaaayyyy! I killed a thing for fun! Vote for meeeeeee!”
— Left Crew Politics (@LeftCrewPolitic) September 23, 2020
It was a staged, they released a captured bird so she could shoot it for the commercial. Really, a great metaphor for the Repubs. All show, no substance.
— Wash your hands! (@CapalTunnel) September 23, 2020
I sure would like to see evidence that this was a legally harvested pheasant.
— Doug Murano (@muranofiction) September 23, 2020
I can't think of a representation of one's persona that could make me like them less than this short video.
— Mother Horror (@SadieHartmann) September 23, 2020
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