In the previous few years we didn’t think the instances of media malpractice could possibly get any worse. And then 2020 came along.
Tammy Bruce notes how the Democrats and media have to a large degree worked hand-in-hand to try and scare everybody all in the name of politics:
It’s becoming more apparent Dem politics resulting in inflated data being released re Covid to induce panic among the public~~ hospital burden, deaths, “cases,” & dramatic shutdowns. Media plays along. Why? Grotesque manipulation hoping negative impact on Trump.
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) July 17, 2020
And the “mistakes” — both in media reports and in data from public officials — almost always fall in one direction and are too numerous to be actual mistakes.
At the cost of citizens losing their jobs, livelihoods and education. Disgusting.
— SK Post (@acciokindness75) July 17, 2020
More apparent then ever!
— Trev Hart (@TrevHart2) July 17, 2020
It's ALL about the 2020 election.
— Just Sham ?? (@itsShamsFault) July 17, 2020
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