John Legend tweeted last month that he plans to vote for Elizabeth Warren in the California primary. The progressive senator is a proponent of Medicare for All:
We need to make sure that everyone has the full health care coverage they need—and that includes mental health care. #MedicareForAll makes certain that everyone has access to the health care they need. #CNNTownHall
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 21, 2020
According to Legend, what would people have to lose? He’s obviously skeptical that anybody actually loves their current plans:
Raise your hand if you LOVE your health insurance plan. I hear politicians say "don't take away these insurance plans that millions of people love" and I'm like who LOVES their health insurance plan? Genuinely curious.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) February 21, 2020
Wow, it feels like the country went through a similar debate in recent years:
Hey pal, talk to the guy who made that happen.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) February 21, 2020
I thought Obamacare fixed it?
— It's still 2016 apparently (@jtLOL) February 21, 2020
Legend sure has done his part to help sell Obamacare:
TODAY is the last day to #GetCovered! Go to now.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) March 31, 2014
A great holiday gift to yourself! Make sure you #GetCovered!
— John Legend (@johnlegend) December 4, 2018
Our President wants to make sure you #GetCovered
— John Legend (@johnlegend) December 10, 2018
Dems wondering why people aren’t buying what the Left’s selling might want to consider recent history:
I know a lot of people who lost the plans they loved while you were tweeting #GetCovered for the last person who fixed healthcare.
— BT (@back_ttys) February 21, 2020
Do lefties not think anybody remembers?
My family loved our plan until Obamacare decided it was ‘too good’ aka a Cadillac plan and taxed it out of existence. What we have now isn’t nearly as good but it’s definitely better than govt. sponsored health care.
— The ? FOO (@PolitiBunny) February 21, 2020
I did. I don't anymore, thanks to Obama.
— FrogDoc (@TueborFrog) February 21, 2020
I like mine. It was considerably more affordable before Obamacare.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) February 21, 2020
The “Affordable Care Act” continues to be the most ironically named piece of legislature ever signed into law.
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