Gavin Newsom, California governor and former mayor of San Francisco is claiming that President Trump is ruining a good economy he inherited from Obama (and for bonus points using a Vox article to do so):
Trump’s big talk of the strongest economy is all smoke and mirrors. The truth remains: He inherited a growing economy from Obama and is failing to preserve it.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 28, 2019
Wait, didn’t Obama try and get Americans used to “the new normal” on the economy?
The same Obama that stated we should get used to a 1.5% GDP growth?
— William (@LastWordWilliam) July 29, 2019
Yep just like all the manufacturers jobs never coming back. He was wrong about that and his policies were terrible! Not to mention Obamacare is a disaster!
— John Giorgio Jones (@johnsav2001) July 29, 2019
Obama: "Those jobs of the past are just not going to come back."Trump didnt continue Obama's economic policies. If he had the economy wouldn't be as great as it is.
— Liberty ❤ Bella (@DreamWeaver61) July 29, 2019
It seems like only yesterday that Obama made those kinds of claims.
You're even more delusional than I thought.
— Daily Planet (@Headlines4You) July 29, 2019
Nope.. Obama hijacked the economy and stole wealth from the free market for redistribution, crippling the economy. Any other assessment is just plain stupid.
— Colorado RedTraci (@goptraci) July 29, 2019
No Trump didn't inherit sh*t from Obama.
(Well actually he did inherit sh*t)What did you inherit from aunt Nancy?
California?— Sassy Scarlett (@Southrngirl77) July 29, 2019
Perhaps the governor should put his focus a little closer to home:
Hard to see the economy's strength thru the homeless tent cities, heaps of garbage and human waste, that line the streets in Democrat run cities in California.
— The Left Ruins Everything (@TheLeftRuins) July 29, 2019
You should focus on the rats, used needles, and human feces littering your state.
— thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) July 29, 2019
Newsom probably blames Trump for all that.
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