Opponents of the Green New Deal have rightly slammed the proposal as nothing more than an attempt to implement pedal-to-the-metal socialism in the U.S., and obviously Dem. Sen. Brian Schatz doesn’t like the “s-word” applied to the plan that all declared Democrat candidates for president say they support:
I’m not a socialist. But I believe that every American deserves health care. I also believe that college should be debt free, and that America must lead boldly on climate change. That doesn’t mean I want America to be Venezuela. It means I want America to be America.
— Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) February 8, 2019
What’s that even mean?
Word. Salad.
Translation: I don’t want America to be Venezuela with their starvation and plight but I also want unsustainable free shit and hope you’re too stupid to recognize what I’m calling for would turn the US into Venezuela. https://t.co/xnq8qZ5ZDs
— hey baby it’s woke outside (@MatlockFletcher) February 8, 2019
"I'm not a socialist. But I openly advocate socialist policies." https://t.co/zAi7y7fiXq
— Currently between fraudulent suspensions (@jtLOL) February 8, 2019
Schatz tried to explain himself to some people:
OK, but we want you to have the courage to stop running from the S word.
— Gnarden Gome (@knox_jt) February 8, 2019
It’s not a matter of me worrying about the word. It’s about the word not accurately describing my views.
— Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) February 8, 2019
That sort of makes you a socialist. Sorry.
— Estarianne ??? (@estarianne) February 8, 2019
I mean. You can call me whatever you want, but I like entrepreneurship and free markets. And I don’t mean casino capitalism, I mean people starting businesses and providing real goods and services and building a better life.
— Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) February 8, 2019
Senator… become a socialist!
— philippe (@Philippeflap) February 8, 2019
No thanks. I like business too! I just believe in appropriate regulation, government spending, a strong social safety net, protecting the vulnerable. As a start.
— Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) February 8, 2019
In other words:
I'm not a socialist, I just believe in taking wealth from some people, to redistribute it to others in the form of government programs. https://t.co/xJTlgVxrvm
— Scooter Schaefer (@ScooterSchaefer) February 8, 2019
Yeah, good luck with that spin, Dems.
But Sen. Chris Murphy has Schatz’s back:
Serious questions – according to the right’s definition of “socialism”:
Is public education socialism?
How about the police?
Road building?
Don’t we socialize fighting fires? https://t.co/ZEHBZFWW7I— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 8, 2019
Ah, the old “you’re socialist too because you use government services” comeback from a congressional Dem. Tried and true.
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