President Trump’s criticism of election issues in Florida has liberals like Chris Matthews once again proving that their self-awareness remains hopelessly lost:
Chris Matthews: Trump offered an “idiotic, Third World, asinine view of every clown and tinpot dictator in the Third World” in which “[i]f they win the election, it was clean, if they lose, it was rigged.”
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) November 14, 2018
Nice try, Chris, but no:
The Left has been telling us for 2 years that Russia stole the 2016 election (“without evidence” as they like to say)-
There is, however,evidence of malfeasance and possibly election fraud in Florida, but pointing it out apparently makes you a dictator
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) November 14, 2018
Has Matthews been paying attention to what many Dems have been talking about these last couple years?
Pot meet kettle..
— Kathi Smoak (@kathismoak) November 14, 2018
Wait a daggone minute…. isn't that what happened with the 2016 election? Who was/is screaming abt that???
— Janie_P (@p_perry2672) November 14, 2018
Matthews On Election Results (Why is he still a thing but Alex Jones is not? They are identical.).
Two years of Democrats crying Hillary didn't get elected due to fraud with no actionable evidence, this year laws were literally broken in an attempt to get more Democrats elected.
— JDoors (@DuaneEH) November 14, 2018
So what you’re saying is, sans evidence, there was no Russian collusion in 2016, right?
— Cynical Mike (@CynicalMike) November 14, 2018
Broward & Palm Beach counties handling the election is akin to 3rd world dictators where they keep counting the votes until the desired results are achieved after the winners were declared & the respective concessions were made. No doubt Matthews thrill seeking days are over.
— K.R. Lloyd Persaud (@Kayarel) November 14, 2018
That appears to be the case.
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