Elections have consequences, but that’s not keeping Hillary Clinton on the sidelines. Instead, she’s come forward to offer advice to lefties angered by the GOP tax bill:
Something productive to do with your outrage today: https://t.co/XEUb0xLsSl
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 20, 2017
The liberal former presidential candidate’s suggested therapy for channeling outrage is, not surprisingly, “send money to liberals”:
The #GOPTaxScam is on its way to Trump's desk to be signed into law.
Let that sink in for a minute. Then channel your rage by donating to the opponents of every swing district Republican who voted for it here ⬇️ https://t.co/Sk2gly31Zo
— Swing Left (@swingleft) December 20, 2017
Swinging left might have been part of Clinton’s problem last November, but luckily she’s not one to learn lessons easily.
Remember when you campaigned on tax increases to the middle class?
LOL#TaxCutsandJobsAct https://t.co/is70Q4et6t
— Mrs. Rutter ™ (@lindarutter) December 20, 2017
Imagine being *outraged* over keeping more of what you earn. It's your money – not the government's!
— Angela Morabito (@AngelaLMorabito) December 20, 2017
Shadow president Hillary Clinton super jazzed to be guest-editing Teen Vogue
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