When it started to become clear on election night that things were looking bleak for Hillary Clinton, her supporters started lashing out at FBI Director James Comey.
And yet that’s the approach Hillary Clinton took in trying to explain her loss to donors today:
In a call today, @HillaryClinton says FBI letters were a double whammy: One stopped momentum, other rallied Trump base, a donor tells @CNN.
— Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) November 12, 2016
Just in from @jeffzeleny: Clinton tells donors that Comey letters delivered a "double whammy" to her campaign https://t.co/p6r4CdYSOO
— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) November 12, 2016
Hmm, nothing about all the lying, email system that put classified material at risk, or her top aide’s husband Anthony Weiner? Go figure!
Gee…perhaps the reason for the FBI investigation in the first place played a role? https://t.co/HcXlEVbxxt
— bkParallax (@bkparallax) November 12, 2016
Ya think!?
So Clinton thinks Comey saying he won't indict her was more damaging than that he may. Hmm. "How dare he say I'm not a criminal" https://t.co/8MhuQAuL58
— Scott Ruesterholz (@Read_N_Learn) November 12, 2016
Hillary Clinton can blame Comey's letters all she wants, but the email scandal was her own doing and undoing.https://t.co/6bttt0iQbv
— Bob Toomey (@bob_toomey) November 12, 2016
Clinton camp eventually has to realize that they themselves also share some blame https://t.co/A1qvaHDB7J
— Matthew Kitson (@mwk89) November 12, 2016
Amazing. No mention of failure to connect with voters. https://t.co/sUPri1jT9q
— Dalton Bennett (@DDaltonBennett) November 12, 2016
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