Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is of course a fan of the $15 “living wage”:
Today we have cities across America who have made their minimum wage $15 an hour. I’m going to do my best to make that nationally.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) September 29, 2015
On the U.S. Senate side of Sanders’ career, he’s seeking interns:
Want to intern for Sen. Sanders? Make sure you finish your application by Friday:
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) November 9, 2015
A lot of people were curious:
So what does the internship pay?
@SenSanders 12$/hr? #raisethewage
— Matt (@baybeepowder) November 9, 2015
Nope! Only $12. This is my not-surprised face. ( *_* )
— A. Barton Hinkle (@ABartonHinkle) November 9, 2015
Better than what Hillary “pays” interns, but still not a “living wage” by Sanders’ own definition.
Here’s what happens when you try to argue like a progressive:
@SenSanders Interns are only paid $12 an hour?!?! That is not a living wage. #socialjusticeforinterns #practicewhatyoupreach.
— Chart Westcott (@ChartWestcott) November 9, 2015
@ChartWestcott @SenSanders most internships are unpaid so having a $12/hr paycheck is unheard of
— bunny momma, esq. (@yesbinch) November 9, 2015
@alexamaryrose It is still not fair. Do these interns get healthcare? Maternity 32 hour work week? Paid Vacation? #socialjusticeforinterns
— Chart Westcott (@ChartWestcott) November 9, 2015
@ChartWestcott dude it's an internship do you not know the difference between that and a job?
— bunny momma, esq. (@yesbinch) November 9, 2015
@alexamaryrose Are they working? Are they human? Then should be paid a living wage w/ benefits. No difference btwn them & walmart cashier.
— Chart Westcott (@ChartWestcott) November 9, 2015
@ChartWestcott well since your bio says "conservative businessman" I'm having a hard time believing u actually care about said cashiers
— bunny momma, esq. (@yesbinch) November 9, 2015
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