It's interesting how the spin for #PlannedButcherhood has been to attack ppl calling out the behavior and lie about the video being edited.
— The?FOO (@PolitiBunny) July 15, 2015
That’s what @PPAct and its allies have been attempting to do, and Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, is demonstrating how it’s done:
Spreading false information is an age-old strategy of people hell-bent on denying women care & shaming them for exercising their rights.
— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) July 15, 2015
Shaming women? False information? No, no, no:
@DLoesch @CecileRichards Who's shaming the women? We're shaming YOU.
— ?rockmom ? (@rockmom) July 15, 2015
Bingo! And if Richards is concerned about what “information” is put out there, she might want to have a chat with the woman in the video:
Your head doc "spread false info" on camera in her own words, @CecileRichards ? Weird.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 15, 2015
@DLoesch Maybe @CecileRichards meant the special effects wizards at ILM cooked up a CG version of one of her own boasting about baby parts.
— MacroAggressions ❌ (@DenierNyc) July 15, 2015
Richards doesn’t seem eager to specifically point out what was “out of context” or “false” about the claims made in the video.
@CecileRichards False information: not specified.
— David Steinberg (@realDSteinberg) July 15, 2015
Sorry @CecileRichards I'm having trouble hearing you with that fetus liver in your mouth.@DLoesch
— theRoddick (@_jbarker) July 15, 2015
@CecileRichards I provided link to video of your employee. Which "information" did she assert which is "false"?
— Slechte Verslaggever (@DizzyMedia) July 15, 2015
@CecileRichards If it isn't shameful, then why use euphemisms?
— Aaron Shafovaloff (@aaronshaf) July 15, 2015
@CecileRichards you support selling baby parts for sport. what did i miss? #prolife
— Ryan (@chasinghumility) July 15, 2015
You have NO RIGHTS to crush from above, crush from below while the baby is still alive in womb.
— Sandy 〽️ (@RightGlockMom) July 15, 2015
@CecileRichards @bayareahausfrau another age-old strategy is referring to abortion as 'care' for women
— BDJinCO (@DissidentBiker) July 15, 2015
@CecileRichards @bayareahausfrau What part of the information is false? Why haven't you broken it down and disputed it?
— Mr Chrome (@BradMarshv1) July 15, 2015
MT @CecileRichards Spreading false information is an age-old strategy of people hell-bent on illegally selling human organs for profit.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) July 15, 2015
Selling baby body parts is an age-old strategy of an organization hell-bent on exploiting vulnerable women.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) July 15, 2015
So we’re left with two possibilities:
Everybody knows what the most likely answer is.
It must be a lot easier to keep talking to avoid the question rather than answer it:
@CecileRichards yes or no: does your organization sell off specific organs of the fetuses it aborts?
— Razor (@hale_razor) July 15, 2015
Go ahead and answer, Ms. Richards. We’ll wait…
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