Last night, Hillary Clinton tweeted that she wants the public to see her emails, and the White House has been asked about it repeatedly.
Just so nothing gets missed, the White House has reportedly been in contact with Hillary Clinton’s staff to get their stories straight make sure the public is given only factual information:
Top Obama aides have been in contact with Clinton team to clarify facts about the email saga –
— Josh Lederman (@JoshNBCNews) March 5, 2015
The AP reports:
At the White House, top aides have been in contact with Clinton’s team to clarify specific facts that the White House is likely to be asked about.
That process will no doubt be as “transparent” as everything else has been.
@joshledermanAP @maggieNYT Gotta get their stories straight. Some variation of "not a smidgen of corruption" coming soon. Worked for Lois.
— Ken Hoagland (@kenhoagland) March 5, 2015
@joshledermanAP another way to say this is collusion
— CMM (@carolfoxlover) March 5, 2015
@joshledermanAP @charliespiering ..translation: "Let's get our stories straight– It musta been that offensive video or it's Bush's fault."
— ❌ W O Doubt ❌ (@wivoutadoubt) March 5, 2015
‘Sound of a bus warming-up’: AP reports WH counsel did not know of Clinton’s private emails
How often did Hillary Clinton check email? Jake Tapper provides a clue [Vine]
Is this statement from Marie Harf on Hillary’s emails the MOST unbelievable yet? [Hint: Hell yes!]
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