During an exchange on the Senate floor, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, calling for the Senate to join the House in investigating Benghazi, had some questions about the night of the attack. Cruz asked Democrat Sen. Menendez if President Obama slept the night of September 11, 2012. Here’s the response Menendez offered:
SenCruz asks if PresObama slept during night of #Benghazi attack – SenMenendez says – bottom line: "would that have saved anyone?"
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) May 12, 2014
Here’s video of the exchange followed by a partial transcript:
Sen Cruz: My friend from New Jersey did not endeavor to answer any of the questions I proffered, including the most simple questions, such as did the president sleep on the night of September 11, 2012?”
Sen. Menendez: I think that whether the president slept or not on that day … the question is, did he even get told by those who had information that such an attack was going on? I don’t know. The bottom line is that, would that have saved anybody? I don’t know either. The bottom line is, do you want to do something about saving any future lives, or do you just want to do politics with this issue?
Is that a version of Hillary Clinton’s infamous “what difference does it make?”
@ShannonBream Menedez just wants to move on with no answers to Cruz' questions. #Bengahzi
— William Young (@CaliCard1) May 12, 2014
@ShannonBream the answer of course is – we will never know – but with inaction we guaranteed our ppl would be killed
— eyedoc57 (@eyedoc57) May 12, 2014
@ShannonBream @consmover Even If The Prez was sleeping, Where was Hillary! Remember Her, The Sec. Of State!
— #WakeUpAmerica (@sjdobres) May 12, 2014
@ShannonBream so the answer is ….yes he slept.
— Java Joe (@JavaJoeX) May 12, 2014
@ShannonBream uh, yes, duh. If we had a real President of all the people lives would be saved or at least an attempt would've been made.
— Rio Smythe (@RioSmythe) May 12, 2014
Of course, according to Menendez, there’s nothing more to see here:
NOW: SenMenendez says he's "confident" the American people have received all the information they need about the #Benghazi incidents
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) May 12, 2014
In the video, Menendez admitted that he’s not even sure if the president was informed of the attack, yet he’s confident enough facts are known to drop it and move on?
@ShannonBream And that is a red flag to keep digging. The truth will come out.
— Samuel Endicott (@bb665se) May 12, 2014
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